10 hilarious reactions as Trump asks New Yorkers ‘what have you got to lose’ by voting for him

10 hilarious reactions as Trump asks New Yorkers ‘what have you got to lose’ by voting for him
Donald Trump urged New Yorkers to vote for him at a Long Island rally (Michael M Santiago/Getty Images)

Former President Donald Trump posed an astonishing question to New Yorkers while speaking at a rally in Uniondale, Long Island on Wednesday, September 18. The GOP presidential nominee said, "I say to the people of New York, with crime at record levels, with terrorists and criminals pouring in and with inflation eating your hearts out, vote for Donald Trump," quickly following it up with the question, "What the hell do you have to lose?" as per The Independent. Since the 1988 presidential election, New York has been a deep-blue state. In 2020 and 2016, Trump received less than 38% of votes, falling behind his rivals. Here are 10 hilarious reactions that emerged online following Trump's bewildering question to voters of the Empire State.

1. Will the 'bold strategy' pay off for Donald Trump?

'Dodgeball' meme on Donald Trump's strange question to New Yorkers (@richorstad18/X)

A social media quipped about Trump's "bold strategy." Sharing a meme from the 2004 comedy film 'Dodgeball', the netizen wondered whether the ex-president's strategy would succeed. "THAT'S A BOLD STRATEGY COTTON. LET'S SEE IF IT PAYS OFF FOR HIM," read the caption on the meme. 

2. 'A lot'

A user answered Donald Trump's question using a 'Friends' meme (@judicialmermaid/X)

One individual summed up what one would lose if New York voted for Trump in November through a meme featuring Ross Geller and Rachel Green from the iconic sitcom 'Friends'. The user shared the meme, which had "a lot" written on it, with the caption, "Idk… our freedom? Our ability to have free & fair elections? Privacy? Our lives (if you are a female)…" 

3. 'Desperate' Trump

A netizen likened Donald Trump to a desperate used car salesman (@DenisonBarbs/X)

Another user implied the ex-president's question depicted his desperation, comparing him with a used car salesman. "Trump sounds desperate, just like a used car salesman," joked the netizen. 

4. Has this happened before?

A meme from the movie 'Groundhog Day' reminded the Internet that Donald Trump used the same question in 2020 (@Jerri_Lynn25/X)

The Internet was quick enough to notice that it was not the first time Trump made this statement. If it was meant for New Yorkers in 2024, the question was directed at Black voters in 2020. In an attempt to win over African-American voters in Michigan during his second White House run, the real estate mogul asked, "What the hell do you have to lose?" as per CNN. A user hilariously evoked a time loop joke using a GIF from the 1993 movie 'Groundhog Day' featuring Bill Murray. The meme read, "I HAVE THIS NAGGING FEELING THIS HAS HAPPENED BEFORE."

5. 'New catchphrase'

A person joked about the state of Donald Trump's businesses (@poofeyone/X)

One user could not stop from taking a swipe at Trump's businesses. They wrote, "Don the Con's new catch phrase! I'm sorry, how many bankrupt businesses???" Earlier this year, a New York judge ordered Trump to pay a $454 million penalty after he was found to have fraudulently inflated his assets to secure better business deals. 

6. 'A soul'

A user said one would lose their 'soul' by voting for Donald Trump (@MovieEv/X)

Trump's question received a hilariously epic answer from one social media user who stated the voter's "soul" would be lost if they voted for the ex-president. "Sarah says, 'a soul is a terrible thing to lose,'" wrote the netizen, adding a GIF of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who served as the White House press secretary under Trump. 

7. 'Your voice'

A netizen used an Ursula GIF to take a dig at Donald Trump (@JJacksonunt/X)

One user joked they would miss Trump's voice if New York voted for him in the upcoming election. A GIF of a smirking Ursula with the caption, "YOUR VOICE," depicted the user's emotions regarding the MAGA leader's question.

8. Too many things to lose

One user indicated there were uncountable things to lose if New Yorkers voted for Donald Trump (@MRIrene/X)

Someone else clapped back at Trump with a hilarious reaction, insinuating that there would be too much to lose if New York voted for him. "Let me count the ways," read the caption for a GIF where a person simultaneously used four calculators.

9. A never-ending list

A netizen hinted that New Yorkers will lose countless things if Donald Trump manages to capture the state (@Kips_Big_Boy/X)

The losses the Empire State's voters might face if Trump turns it red in November could include a rather long paper roll. One user humorously suggested this through a GIF where a glum-looking man could be seen with an extremely long paper roll, indicating a never-ending list. 

10. Yellowed playbook pages

One user ridiculed Donald Trump's strategies (@saenewengland/X)

A netizen mocked Trump saying that his strategies have become stale. "Those playbook pages must be awfully yellow by now," read the tweet.

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