10 memes mocking Trump after his rambling speech on childcare: From word salad king to stupid head

10 memes mocking Trump after his rambling speech on childcare: From word salad king to stupid head
Donald Trump made a 360-word incoherent rant about his plans for making childcare affordable at The Economic Club of New York (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Former president Donald Trump launched a 360-word rambling plan for childcare if elected in November on Thursday, September 5. Speaking at The Economic Club of New York, the GOP presidential nominee responded to a question by Reshma Saujani, founder of Girls Who Code, a nonprofit organization, regarding his legislative agendas to make childcare affordable. However, Trump's plan turned out to be an incoherent rant for nearly two minutes, with vague statements, such as he “want[s] to stay with child care," as per The Daily Beast. At one point, he said, "But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about, that—because look, child care is childcare, it’s—couldn’t, you know, it’s something, you have to have it, in this country you have to have it." Trump's word salad soon captured social media's attention. Here are ten hilarious memes trolling the ex-president on his childcare plan ramble.

1. Difference between Donald Trump's gestures and his answer

One user said Donald Trump's gestures and his incoherent childcare plans were not different (@jardani_w/X)

A user drew parallels between Trump's unconventional body language and his response to the question about funding childcare. The hilarious GIF showed the ex-president making hand gestures and facial expressions, and the user captioned it, "There's no difference between the answer he just gave and whatever this was."

2. 'King of word salad'

Donald Trump was crowned the 'king of word salad' by a social media user (@CrazyFenaker/X)

An X user crowned Trump the 'King of word salad' mocking his long-winded statement at the Economic Club of New York. Sharing an AI-generated picture of the real estate mogul sitting with a large bowl of salad, the netizen wrote, "Trump is the King of word salad. Nobody does salad better."

3. Donald Trump's cognitive fitness

Someone else mocked Donald Trump for questioning Joe Biden's mental fitness (@TMichaelsAuthor/X)

An individual highlighted Trump's frequent claims that President Joe Biden was not cognitively fit while boasting about his own mental acuity. Nevertheless, his childcare plan remarks made it into troll material. "And he said Joe was losing it?" the user wrote along with a GIF that indicated the irony.

4. Did Donald Trump reveal anything about his childcare plans?

A user deemed Donald Trump's statement 'rambling nonsense' (@marolan/X)

Trump's 360-word remark contained anything but his plan for turning childcare affordable. A user pointed this out, saying it was "rambling nonsense" for two full minutes. "Then he gestures to the audience & drops his campaign line, “Make America Great Again,” and waits. The audience appeases him w/a smatter of applause." Accompanying the post was a GIF portraying 'The Office' character Michael Scott played by Steve Carrell, who deemed Trump an "idiot."

5. 'Low energy word salad'

An individual claimed Donald Trump had no plans to make childcare affordable (@glamelegance/X)

Someone else posted a GIF of Trump's zipped smile and weird facial expressions. "That was incoherent low energy word salad is code for he doesn’t have a plan to make childcare more affordable," the user remarked, signaling that the former president did not have any childcare plans.

6. 'There is no plan'

A user stated Donald Trump did not have a plan (@cturner291/X)

Another user explained Trump's two-minute-long digressive, which was nothing but empty words, through a meme. The GIF read, "*THERE IS NO PLAN."

7. 'Weaving' Trump

One user ridiculed Donald Trump for 'weaving' on stage (@4diva63/X)

One user posted a humorous image of Trump, who seemed sad after making his incoherent statement. "Who the hell to him his 'weaving' was brilliant?" read the caption.

8. Donald Trump's remarks could explode one's brain

A user was frustrated for not understanding what Donald Trump meant to convey (@TJYella/X)

Could anyone decode what Trump wanted to say about his childcare plans? Possibly none would be the answer. A user depicted the feeling in a funny GIF where an animated woman was seen slamming her head on the wall. The caption read, "My brain is about to explode from this," along with a spiral eyes emoji. "I cant even."

9. Alphabet soup

Someone else likened Donald Trump's words to an alphabet soup (@Nostradonny/X)

Another hilarious meme trolling Trump compared his remarks to an alphabet soup. A user posted a picture of a bowl of soup filled with pasta letters and captioned it: "Donald Trump has issued a statement." The user called it the "shorter version" of the MAGA spearhead's statement.

10. Stupid head

Another user mockingly called out Donald Trump's intelligence upon hearing his word salad on childcare plans (@BidenWon16/X)

One individual called out Trump's intelligence upon hearing his word salad on childcare plans. Posting a picture of Trump in the dark, the user noted, "Sometimes you look at a person and wonder, how does he fit all that stupid into one head."

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