7 world leaders who have voiced support for Donald Trump: From Vladimir Putin to Viktor Orban

7 world leaders who have voiced support for Donald Trump: From Vladimir Putin to Viktor Orban
Donald Trump's foreign allies who explicitly backed him include Russian President Vladimir Putin and Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Getty Images, Michael M Santiago, Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

From Vladimir Putin to Viktor Orban: World leaders who have backed Donald Trump

(Getty Images, David Dee Delgado, Thierry Monasse/Getty Images)
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orban supported Donald Trump after the hush money conviction (Getty Images, David Dee Delgado, Thierry Monasse/Getty Images)

During his presidential tenure from 2017 to 2021, former President Donald Trump managed to gain the support of world leaders who were not an ally of the United States. The 45th president's foreign allies included leaders with authoritarian tendencies like Russia's Vladimir Putin and Hungary's Viktor Orban. As Trump eyes for a second term in the White House, here are seven world leaders who backed the MAGA spearhead over the years.

1. Vladimir Putin

VIENNA, AUSTRIA - JUNE 05:  Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives for a joint press statement wit
Russian President Vladimir Putin said hush money conviction against Donald Trump was done without proof (Getty Images)

Russian President Putin explicitly supported his former US counterpart after the hush money conviction last month. In a press conference earlier this month, Putin said the guilty verdict against Trump was "without direct proof," as per The Guardian. "It is obvious all over the world that the prosecution of Trump – especially in court on charges that were formed on the basis of events that happened years ago, without direct proof – is simply using the judicial system in an internal political struggle," the Russian president said. Putin had previously called the four separate indictments against the real estate mogul as "political persecution."

2. Kim Jong Un

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at times had a good relationship with Donald Trump during his presidency (Getty Images)

North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un was one such leader who made an unlikely bromance with Trump. While the Republican was still in the White House, the authoritarian leader claimed that his relationship with Trump was "special," despite the deteriorating diplomatic talks between Washington and Pyongyang in 2019, according to CNN. As per reports, Kim Jong Un hailed his relationship with the ex-president with a top diplomat of North Korea who said that both leaders harbored "trust in each other."

3. Viktor Orban

Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban speaks during a press conference with his Swedish counterpart Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson, not pictured, following their meeting in February 23, 2024 in Budapest, Hungary. The meeting comes as Hungary's ruling party has indicated it's prepared to ratify Sweden's accession to NATO. After Turkey dropped its objection, Hungary remained the only NATO member to oppose Sweden's bid, which was launched in the wake of Russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by Janos Kummer/Getty Images)
Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, supported Donald Trump's 2024 presidential run (Janos Kummer/Getty Images)

Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban, who visited Trump in New York earlier this year, also sided with the former president following his conviction in the New York hush money trial. "I've known President @realDonaldTrump to be a man of honour. As president, he always put America first, commanded respect around the world, and used this respect to build peace. Let the people make their verdict this November! Keep on fighting, Mr President!" Orban wrote on X (formerly Twitter) dismissing the guilty verdict against his American ally. The Hungarian Prime Minister had also endorsed Trump's 2024 presidential run.

4. Benjamin Netanyahu

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - NOVEMBER 21: (ISRAEL OUT) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu looks on during a jo
Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu backed Donald Trump's Middle East policy (Getty Images)

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had expressed his allegiance to Donald Trump ahead of the 2020 presidential election. Though their relationship has deteriorated lately, the leaders had shared a rapport in light of the real estate mogul's Middle East policy. Trump's unilateral withdrawal from the Iran deal after taking office won applause from the Jewish state's head. Praising Trump's policies in the region, Netanyahu said in 2020 that the US-Israeli alliance "has never been stronger," as per the Associated Press.

5. Narendra Modi

(Antonio Masiello/Getty Images)
In 2019, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi stirred controversy after endorsing Donald Trump's second White House bid (Antonio Masiello/Getty Images)

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his visit to the US in 2019, breached a diplomatic policy by endorsing Trump's 2020 presidential bid. Appearing alongside the then-president at the 'Howdy, Modi!' rally in Houston, Texas, the Indian PM said,  "In the words of candidate Trump: Abki baar Trump sarkar (This time, [a] Trump government)." The reference to Modi's own campaign slogan in 2014 sparked widespread criticism, as per The Independent. During the speech, the Indian leader also praised Trump's effort to strengthen the American economy again, along with achievements for the US and the world.

6. Boris Johnson

LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 28: UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson talks with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor
Former UK Prime Minister Borris Johnson labeled the guilty verdict against Donald Trump 'nakedly political' (Getty Images)

Earlier this month, former British Prime Minister Borris Johnson supported Trump, calling the hush money guilty verdict a "machine-gun mob-style hit job" in his column in the Daily Mail. Johnson wrote that the conviction against the Republican presumptive nominee was "nakedly political – and will make his victory more likely, not less." He also accused the Democrats of "combing the rule book for stuff to use against Trump." The White House hopeful gave a shoutout to the former UK prime minister's support, thanking him on Truth Social.

7. Matteo Salvini

(Antonio Masiello/Getty Images)
Deputy Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Salvini declared solidarity with Donald Trump after his conviction last month (Antonio Masiello/Getty Images)

Italy's Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini rallied behind Trump after he became the first former president of the US to be convicted in a criminal case. "Solidarity and full support for @realDonaldTrump, victim of judicial harassment and a process of political nature," said the leader who heads Italy's anti-immigrant League party, according to Reuters. Asserting Italy's awareness about the left's "weaponization of the justice system" to eliminate political opponents legally, Salvini added that he hoped Trump would win and it would "guarantee of greater balance and hope for world peace."

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