‘AITA for correcting a friend who said she re-homed her cat but actually dumped it outside?’

An individual took to Reddit to share about their friend who claimed to have "re-homed" her cat after it repeatedly peed on her bed, when in reality she simply left it outside her workplace.
The user's post titled “AITA for correcting a friend when she said she ‘re-homed’ her cat?” has since gone viral, gathering thousands of upvotes and sparking heated discussion in the comment section.
OP corrects friend and explains what ‘re-homing’ a cat actually means

In the post, the OP explained, "My friend told a story about re-homing her cat because it wouldn’t stop going to the bathroom on her bed. She said she put the cat in its carrier and left it outside the door of her salon before they opened."
"She said she checked in later, and one of the girls had decided to adopt the cat, so the re-homing was a success," they wrote.
However, the OP didn’t agree with the friend’s version of events.
"I told her that what she did was not re-homing, and that what she had actually done was dump her cat. I told her that re-homing involved finding an owner and vetting them in advance," the OP said.
The friend of course, did not take this well and became angry, accusing the OP of “judging” her.
Confused, the OP sought advice from fellow Redditors.
Internet slams OP's friend for 'adandoning' her cat outside salon
The post sparked an intense debate, with the overwhelming majority siding with the OP.
One Redditor wrote, “She said she put the cat in its carrier and left it outside the door of her salon before they opened. That’s not ‘re-homing,’ that’s straight-up abandonment, and it’s illegal in most places in the US. You are NTA. I’d judge the hell out of her too, lol.”

Another user agreed, calling the act a dealbreaker, “Yeah, that might be a friendship ender for me."

“I don’t even like cats that much, and this would be a friendship ender for me. What a lunatic. This cat was abandoned, not re-homed,” a user said.

Many pointed out that a cat urinating outside the litter box is often a sign of distress or medical issues. “Cats peeing outside of their litter box is a sign of stress. She stressed this poor animal out and then abandoned it. This person is scarily stupid.”

"Thank you internet stranger. That's Integrity." a user said.

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