'AITA for divorcing my wife and revealing she cheated after she tried to turn our families against me?'

A man recently took to Reddit’s "Am I the A**hole" (AITAH) forum to share how his wife got furious when he told everyone in their families that he decided to divorce her because she cheated on him after she tried to turn them against him.
The original poster (OP), under the username throwaaaay2671761, began his story by providing a summary: "Tldr my wife cheated on me and after everyone in our families started calling me names for divorcing my wife I decided to tell everyone the reason which made my wife furious."

Man shares that his wife does not want a divorce
About the divorce, the OP wrote, "I decided that I needed to clear everything between us before I file so we can have a clean divorce, I called my wife and told her to meet me to talk, I asked her to meet me in a park near my house."
He revealed that his wife wasn't on board with the idea of a divorce and accused him of being unreasonable when he did not agree with her about a possible reconciliation.
However, the OP wasn't having it. "I said wouldn't you be angry if you found out I was drinking and dancing and kissing other women and hiding it all from you? She said she would but she wouldn't throw away a relationship of 6 years over this," he mentioned.
While his wife kept insisting on reconciliation, the OP made it clear that he "just wants a clean divorce" and that he does not "want to spend the rest of my life worrying about what my wife is doing behind my back."
"She said divorce is long and extreme and she loves me and she said she's sorry and she will try to delay as much as possible cause she doesn't want to lose me, I said I am sorry as well but I am done," the man further shared.
Man won't back down from decision to divorce wife who cheated on him
Not just that, the man also claimed that his wife tried to put blame on him for divorce. Her behavior forced him to tell everyone the truth "after they were harassing me and I still hid it from your coworkers so it doesn't get difficult for you in your workplace, let's just divorce."
"Well I don't know s**t about legal process and yes I did pulled all that s**t out of my a**, My wife cried a bit and I hugged her and told her that it's over, there is no fixing this, we love each other but love is not everything when it comes to marriage I can't forgive you for kissing some random a** man and I left," the man explained.
The OP further noted that his wife has not stopped trying to convince him about a reconciliation but he's still going forward with his decision.
He also said he wasn't able to "understand what's up with all these people telling me 'its just a kiss'? How do you know? Even I don't know if it's just 1 kiss or it happened before or it was more than that?"
Concluding his post, the man added that he has "made up my mind I won't back down, I don't want to be like one of those men who forgive their cheating wives only to find out later that wife is still cheating or those who gets cucked and are raising someone else's kid obliviously or find out later on that child isn't biologically his."
Redditors think OP did nothing wrong by standing up for himself after his wife's betrayal
Fellow Redditors agreed with the man's decision to divorce his wife and not give in to her apparent attempts at manipulating him. They even suggested him to keep his boundaries strong and let his wife deal with the consequences of her actions.
One wrote, "NTA. Would she have kissed them if you were in the room? That answer means she knew what she was doing and how wrong it was and what the consequences would be. She has been manipulative every step of the way, and the only way she'd get better would be at being manipulative. You did the best thing you could do, and anybody who tried to minimize the disrespect she levied is somebody you should remove from your life yesterday."

Another commented, "NTA. What did she think was going to happen when she ran to tell everyone and left out the details when she did it? You were just supposed to accept the undeserved loathing of everyone you know? I think not. You’re not obligated to forgive someone breaking your trust. I wish you a speedy divorce."

"NTA. You’re not wrong for standing up for yourself—trust is the foundation of any marriage, and she smashed it with that ‘just a kiss’ excuse. People saying ‘it’s just a kiss’ aren’t in your shoes and don’t get the emotional toll of betrayal. You’re doing what’s best for you, and that takes guts. Keep your boundaries strong and let her deal with the consequences of her actions. You’ve got this," read another comment.

An individual shared, "She sounds very manipulative. She cheated but makes you out to be the unreasonable one. How does that work!? Get rid and tell everyone why. Sounds like she's just in reputation rehabilitation mode."

"NTA. You HAVE to control the narrative in these situations, people ALWAYS assume the man is at fault, and women will almost always lie and say the man is a cheater or abuser. Should have let everyone know she was cheating starting the second she was served, before she ever had the chance to lie," one more offered.

Another person chimed in, "NTA. It's not just a kiss. It was the complete crumbling of your trust in her. There is no repairing that. Your stbx is just shocked her actions have consequences but that doesn't make YOU in the wrong. Only she and anybody else trying to minimize her betrayal are the a**holes here."

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