'AITA for letting a plus-size woman know that I love my skinny appearance?'

Things did not go as planned when a woman went to her childhood friend's party and decided to confront her friend's overweight pal who had frequently body-shamed her. But, after she called out her hurtful remarks, she was in for a rude shock when the woman slapped her and she found no support from her friend.
A Reddit user, going by the handle Heavenstobestie, recently turned to the r/AITAH subreddit to recall an incident at her childhood friend's yearly birthday celebration that left her reeling and therefore turned to the open forum to seek guidance on the subject.
Woman shares being bullied by plus size woman for being 'skinny'
Taking to the 'Am I the A**hole' (AITA) platform, the Original Poster (OP) shared that she frequently "dreads" her friend's annual gathering since her mate, Amanda, makes remarks about her weight "every single time" she sees her.
"I dread going to my childhood friend's birthday party every year... She has one friend, let's call her Amanda, who...without fail... has to comment on my weight EVERY single time she sees me," the OP shared.
The OP is frequently inundated with comments that make her cringe, such as "You’re so skinny!" "Do you even eat?" "Does your [boyfriend] care that you don’t have curves?" and "Your legs are like sticks!"
The OP explained her reason for being skinny: "I eat plenty. I just have a fast metabolism which keeps me super thin."
This tapped into the woman's "worst insecurities," and until her mother offered some guidance, she thought about avoiding the event completely.
Her mother suggested acting as though Amanda had complimented her, saying, "Thanks! I love being skinny."

It would be obvious that Amanda was attempting to "insult" her if she was "disappointed" with the response. This was "great advice," according to the OP, but she "failed to mention" to her mother that "Amanda was overweight."
The OP said: "My mom told me: "If Amanda says 'You're so skinny!', just smile and say 'Thanks! I love being skinny. And if she looks disappointed at your response, you'll have proven she was trying to insult you.'"
"The dreaded birthday party day comes. And of course, no surprise, Amanda immediately looks at my arms and comments how tiny they are. I ignored this comment," the OP shared on Reddit.
"Then later on in the day, we were standing in a group together and she was eyeing me up and down. She chuckled to herself and says 'God, you're so skinny'."
Considering it to be the moment, the OP expressed, "I turned to her, smiled and said 'Thanks. I love being skinny'. And then, and I am completely serious here... SHE SLAPS ME IN THE FACE!!!!!"

The OP continued: "I was in complete shock, just staring back at her, mouth hanging open with my hand on my cheek. Everyone was silent. She suddenly bursts into tears and runs out of the room."
"Two of her friends chase her. Only one other girl and my childhood friend asked if I was okay, but everyone else was just shooting me dirty looks," she explained.
The OP received a reprimand for retaliating after the argument. She said: "The next day, I was texting with my childhood friend about it. She basically thinks that even though Amanda shouldn't have slapped me, that I was insensitive for saying "I love being skinny" to a plus size person."
"I argued that Amanda has been consistently insensitive to me every party. And I didn't comment on her body, only my own. She told me that it's different because being skinny is socially acceptable, and that Amanda wouldn't usually do something like this but I triggered her with my 'insult'," she detailed.
Asking for advice from the open forum, the OP said, "My mom thinks I am in the right but this was all her idea so of course she does lol. So AITA for what I said to Amanda?"
Reddit community supports OP for 'shutting down a bully'
Fortunately, Redditors showed the OP more compassion. "For real, your mom’s advice was spot on! Amanda had it coming with all those rude comments, she just couldn’t handle the heat," one person stated.

Another user added, "NTA - im petty. Id press assault charges. Her having an issue with her weight doesnt give her the right to lay hands on anyone."

Another suggested, "NTA… next time…shut down a bully with this: “I know I’m skinny, it’s not a secret. Why do you feel the need to constantly comment on my size?”

"You are not the AH! Why is it not okay for someone to comment on how overweight they are, but the same doesn’t go for being thin? Imagine if you would have said “oh my, you are so fat” to Amanda every time you saw her? Screw her, go and have yourself a huge piece of cake and laugh about how you won’t gain a pound!" expressed one.

Another explained, "NTA. Being plus sized doesn't give anyone a free pass to comment on other people's bodies. She was a bully and when you called her out on her shit, she lost it and did what she probably wanted to do for a long time and punish you for her insecurities. Of course, she's going to spin it differently and play the victim, but at the end of the day, you have to calmly tell your side of the story. P.S: Your mom was right."

"NTA - Your friends suck. Find new ones. Amanda opened herself to an attack the second she commented on your weight. You could have made a comment about her being plus size and I still would say NTA. You didn't even do that. All you said was something about yourself. If your friends can't see that, then they are not friends," one added.

One noted, "NTA. Amanda being fat is not an excuse to bully every skinny person she sees. Press assault charges and stick it to her. There should be consequences for her actions."

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