'AITA for smacking my husband after he accidentally injured me again?'

'AITA for smacking my husband after he accidentally injured me again?'
A woman sought advice on Reddit after she smacked her spouse for popping a pimple on her without giving any warning (Chris Tobin/DigitalVision)

A Reddit user, Technoob9191, took to the r/ AITAH forum to seek advice after a tense situation with her husband, which escalated due to his repeated "accidental" actions that left her injured.

The original poster (OP), who has been married for nine years, explained that she has multiple sclerosis, which causes her to experience chronic pain and discomfort.

Woman shares several distressing incidents involving her husband 

The OP went on to share several examples of her husband's behavior that have caused her distress, despite her repeated requests for him to stop. In one instance, he put knives in the cutlery tray, which led to her skin being sliced.

The OP explained that she "told him not to do it" but he "did it a few more times." Another recurring issue involved her husband's habit of running his fingers down her forearm, despite her telling him "a minimum of 20 times" that it causes a sensation akin to being electrocuted.

She described, "He STILL does it almost every other day. And the feeling is really awful."

OP shared several distressing incidents (Reddit)

The tipping point came during a recent conversation with her husband when he suddenly squeezed a pimple on her "really hard" without any warning.

Shocked and in pain, the OP admitted to reacting impulsively. "I got so angry and I smacked him so hard. I feel absolutely terrible but I did it in the state of shock and pain," she wrote.

Although her husband apologizes after each incident, the woman feels frustrated that he continues to do so despite her clear communication. "I feel sh***y and just need to know how am I to manage this better," she concluded.

Redditors rally behind OP, condemns husband's repeated distressing actions

The Reddit community largely stood in support of the woman, empathizing with the pain caused by her chronic condition and the frustration of her husband's repeated incidents. Many felt his actions were international and it would be best for OP to leave him. 

One wrote, "NTA. He’s doing these things on purpose. If someone does something that causes pain to someone else usually the response is 'I’m so sorry it won’t happen again' instead of doing it basically every day."

Reddit community rallies behind user, condemns husband's repeated actions (Reddit)

Another said, "This, he's being abusive and calling it accidental, but its definitely intentional and he won't stop."

Reddit community rallies behind user, condemns husband's repeated actions (Reddit)

"He’s either using your disability as an excuse to hurt you, or he thinks you’re lying or exaggerating it, or he just doesn’t give a f**k when you’re in pain. either way you cannot stay married to this man. your husband should be someone who cherishes and protects you. it’s really sad you’ve put up with this kind of treatment for so long. NTA," an individual offered. 

Reddit community rallies behind user, condemns husband's repeated actions (Reddit)

One more wrote, "You’re not safe. He’s doing this s**t deliberately to cause you pain cause he likes hurting you. Leave him. Now. NTA but it’ll only get worse and he’ll gaslight you if you try to call him out on it. Just leave." 

Reddit community rallies behind user, condemns husband's repeated actions (Reddit)

"Nta, he is. pinch him every time he hurts you and remind him you've asked him multiple times. either he'll stop or... i dunno but he needs to stop. and don't feel bad for hitting him, he's hurt you enough and it needs to end," another person pointed out. 

Reddit community rallies behind user, condemns husband's repeated actions (Reddit)

"It sounds like he’s enjoying this. Leave and find someone who respects your boundaries. NTA," wrote a fellow Redditor. 

Reddit community rallies behind user, condemns husband's repeated actions (Reddit)

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