AITA: Woman gets Internet support after she is accused of labeling her friend a 'racist' over matcha

People occasionally pass judgment on others based on their strong opinions on issues like politics, religion, and culture. Particularly when their viewpoint conflicts with their own values and beliefs. While disagreeing with someone is acceptable, people should not pass remarks before fully understanding the situation.
For instance, when a woman told her female friend that she had been making the drink matcha appear "uncivilized," her friend accused her of dubbing her a "racist" which was apparently not the situation. The original poster (OP), 'OwnAd3101', took to Reddit’s Am I The A**hole (AITA) community to share the story of how her friend accused her of "calling her a racist" over matcha.
Woman's friend accuses her of calling her a racist over Matcha
Taking to the popular Reddit forum, a 29-year-old woman shared how her friend Angel (fake name), also 29, accused her of calling Angel a racist for not liking a particular drink. She wrote: "I (29F) got coffee with my friend Angel (29F). She ordered a mocha, but received a matcha by accident (I’m surprised this doesn’t happen more often I didn’t realize how similar they sound)."
The OP continued that the shop offered Angel the matcha while they were remaking her drink, and she said, "Oh gross no matcha is disgusting and I can’t believe people would choose to drink something that tastes like grass."
According to the OP, her friend then made the body gesture to indicate that she didn't like the drink, which included "gagging, tongue out, and finger point to mouth." These reactions in turn embarrassed the Redditor.
The OP claimed that "Angel is very active in being politically correct and I’m not so much" which is why Angel "always publicly reprimands" the OP for trying "my dam-nest to use the updated word for unhoused/ unsheltered/ individuals experiencing homelessness, but I guess I’m always 1 word behind."

The author added that the first foolish thought that crossed her mind was that Angel was completely playing a practical joke on her, and said, "Oh my you had me there I was like this is a strong reaction to some matcha."
However, Angel retorted that matcha is "f***ing nasty" and that this was no joke. Startled by her response, the OP simply replied, "I love matcha (they make it sweet here so that’s why I didn’t take it) and I know it’s not for everyone, but I feel awkward that you’re making it seem like it’s uncivilized to drink it. I feel like you’re yucking my yum."
The OP explained how her friend misunderstood her and wrote, "She then said that I was calling her a racist and the barista and I made eye contact and it took me a minute to respond because I wasn’t calling her a racist but once she said that I did feel like maybe her reaction did have notes of it I guess, but it doesn’t adequately sum up how I felt about the situation. I’m also white and not sure if that constitutes as racism?"
Turning to Reddit's 'AITA' forum, the OP said, "It took me a minute to response, I couldn’t even find words I was so confused and so she just left and immediately told our friend group about it and everyone is saying I’m the a*****e. But the barista said my friend is a nightmare."
"So, am I the a*****e?" she asked, ending her post.
Internet users support and call OP 'NTA'
Reddit users supported the woman and reached a unanimous verdict: the original poster is not an a*****e (NTA).
One wrote, "I’m a bit lost bc at what point during any of that interaction did race or racism come up at all? you’re clearly NTA bc from her that was a very odd and immature reaction all around but the racism insinuation is completely lost on me. maybe someone can enlighten me?"

Another user added, "NTA But the barista said my friend is a nightmare. I'm with them on this one."

A user wrote in part, "NTA. And it sounds you might want to be reassessing this friendship. Your friend sounds like the sort of performative “activist” who mostly just virtue signals and weaponizes (anti)racism in order to avoid taking accountability for being shitty."

"Her over the top exaggeration of how "disgusting" matcha is reminds me of the influencers who will purposely film themselves trying Asian food only to make a big show of how "gross" it is. Which is 100% racist and gets called out for being racist all the time. The issue isn't that she doesn't like matcha, it's her over the top reaction that was completely unnecessary. Tbh it seems like she realized she was being racist and that's why she left like that. NTA," explained one.

Another remarked, "NTA - her reaction to your perceived criticism was way over the top. Although I may not like matcha, everyone has different tastes when it comes to drinks"

"NTA, I have no idea why anything about this altercation is assimilated to racism? We’re talking about a… drink? Sounds very “woke” to me on top of constantly correcting your language. She sounds exhausting," wrote one.

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.