Bernie Sanders draws flak after fuming at Mike Johnson for accusing him of siding 'with terrorists’ in Israel-Hamas war

Bernie Sanders draws flak after fuming at Mike Johnson for accusing him of siding 'with terrorists’ in Israel-Hamas war
Bernie Sanders snaps back at Mike Johnson for accusing him aiding in Israel war (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has strongly criticized House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) after the Republican leader accused him of aligning "with the terrorists" in the Israel-Hamas conflict.

“This is the time to choose a side. If Bernie Sanders wants to side with the terrorists, so be it,” Johnson stated at a press conference.

Bernie Sanders denounces Mike Johnson's accusations as 'disgusting lie'

Speaking on MSNBC's Chris Hayes show, Sanders responded to Johnson's remarks, labeling them as a "disgusting lie." Sanders, who announced he would not attend Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress, has called for a ceasefire and criticized Israel's tactics in its fight against Hamas. He accused Netanyahu of being “currently engaged in creating the worst humanitarian disaster in the modern history of this country,” reported Mediaite.

“It is a disgusting lie. He said it yesterday, he said it again today, and I guess if you’re part of the MAGA group, right-wing Republicans, big lies are what you do. You just say lies over and over again and you hope people believe them,” he claimed. The Vermont senator condemned Hamas' October 7 attack on Israel, which resulted in the deaths of over 1,000 people and the kidnapping of hundreds, as "atrocious." He asserted that Israel "had every right in the world to defend itself." However, he accused Netanyahu of waging war against Palestinian civilians.

“What Johnson is doing is what right-wing people always do. Back in the day, if you stood up for civil rights or social justice, they called you a communist,” he added. “If you are prepared to take on Netanyahu’s outrageous war against Palestinian people, I suppose now they claim that you’re sympathetic to terrorism.”

Internet reacts to Mike Johnson's criticism of Bernie Sanders

A user tweeted, "Bernie the commie unhappy Johnson told the truth about him."

Another added, "Truth hurts." A third said, "Sanders’ words aid and abet Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran. It’s as simple as that."

"Can ANYONE name ONE thing this HEAP OF HUMAN SHIT @BernieSanders has EVER DONE??????????????? I will wait………….," read a tweet.

"He’s been spewing their propaganda for nearly 7 months now. @SenSanders is a mouthpiece for Hamas and Iran. Johnson is right!" stated a user






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