Internet supports Trump after he accuses Jack Smith of 'election interference' in social media post

'Best President': Internet supports Donald Trump after he accuses Jack Smith of 'election interference' in social media post
President Donald Trump directed his criticism towards Special Counsel Jack Smith in a post on Truth Social(Getty Images, Associated Press/YouTube)

WASHINGTON: Expressing frustration with the timing of the January 6 charges against him, former President Donald Trump directed his criticism towards Special Counsel Jack Smith in a post on Truth Social.

Shortly after Smith asked the Supreme Court to weigh in on the continuing election fraud case against the former president and determine if he could ever be found guilty, Trump made his remarks.


Donald Trump accuses Jack Smith of 'election interference'

The ex-President strongly criticized Smith and his team, demanding an explanation for the delayed charges against him.

"Why didn’t the Deranged Jack Smith 'Team' file their lawsuit 3 years ago? Because they wanted to file it right in the middle of my campaign, that’s why. Now, all of a sudden, they want to RUSH. ELECTION INTERFERENCE!," he wrote.

According to earlier reports from OK!, Trump also charged Smith with abusing the Supreme Court to "get a guilty plea."

The federal case against the former president revolves around his efforts to manipulate the 2020 election. Trump's legal team argues that as these activities were connected to his official presidential duties, he should be immune from prosecution.

Smith has petitioned the Supreme Court justices to determine whether Trump is immune to the emergency petition he filed. To proceed with the case's scheduled March 4 start date, the court has mandated that the special counsel must respond by December 20.

Internet reacts to Donald Trump accusing Jack Smith

Donald Trump's Truth Social post garnered numerous comments, with the majority expressing support for him, although some individuals attempted to voice disagreement.

A screenshot of a comment on the post (@realDonaldTrump/Truth Social)
A screenshot of a comment on the post (@realDonaldTrump/Truth Social)

One person commented, "They know they can never beat President Trump by a fair election."

Another added, "You can't have Trump's amazing policies WITHOUT his courageous personality. You can't beat a field of 16 candidates & the Deep State's favorite, Hillary Clinton, without the personality of Donald Trump. His heroic personality is a gift from God, which is loved by all Americans! I LOVE YOU, BEST PRESIDENT TRUMP!!"

A screenshot of a comment on the post (@realDonaldTrump/Truth Social)
A screenshot of a comment on the post (@realDonaldTrump/Truth Social)

Another person said, "It's called INVESTIGATION and YOU IGNORING SUBPEONAS CAUSING DELAY AFTER DELAY...YOU MADE IT TAKE THREE YEARS," whereas one said, "Democrats are the Root of all Evil in the United States of America."

A screenshot of a comment on the post (@realDonaldTrump/Truth Social)
A screenshot of a comment on the post (@realDonaldTrump/Truth Social)
A screenshot of a comment on the post (@realDonaldTrump/Truth Social)
A screenshot of a comment on the post (@realDonaldTrump/Truth Social)

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