Biden picks right-side podium for CNN debate as Trump will have last words, Internet hopes he stays awake

Biden picks right-side podium for CNN debate as Trump will have last words, Internet hopes he stays awake
Joe Biden prioritizes podium position over Donald Trump's closing statement (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: President Joe Biden’s campaign secured the lectern on the stage’s left side (appearing to the right of TV screens) in the first of the two presidential debates, granting his Republican rival, former President Donald Trump, the option to deliver the closing statement first or last.

Trump opted to go last, setting the stage for a crucial exchange in Atlanta as both candidates vie for voter confidence.

WASHINGTON, DC - NOVEMBER 06: U.S. President Joe Biden speaks during a press conference in the State
President Joe Biden (Getty Images)

Why Biden chose the audience’s right side for debate night?

Reports said in a setting involving two figures, viewers are inherently drawn to the right, which is where Biden will be displayed on TV screens. That positioning will likely earn Biden an extra chunk of eyeball time by default.

A 2010 Slate article reported that whatever figure appears to the audience’s right often appears “more powerful."

“In the theory of stagecraft, it’s understood that a rightward placement telegraphs royalty,” the outlet wrote. “So no matter how famous the guest may be, sitting to the left makes him or her seem subservient.”

Meanwhile, Independent candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr, faced disappointment after being informed he did not qualify for the CNN-hosted debate, prompting about 50 supporters to protest outside CNN’s New York bureau.

"RFK, let him speak. CNN, don’t be weak," chanted demonstrators, expressing frustration over what they perceive as a double standard in debate qualifications. Kennedy’s campaign highlighted that while he met criteria in three out of four polls, CNN held him to a stricter standard compared to Biden and Trump, who are considered presumptive nominees.

(Getty Images)
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr (Getty Images)

"The Kennedy campaign points out CNN is holding Kennedy to this requirement, but is not requiring Presidents Biden and Trump to meet this requirement by claiming they are each the presumptive nominee of a political party," Fox News’ Peter Doocy said. As preparations intensify, leaders from both parties emphasized the significance of the upcoming debate.

"Given that there’s only two, and just given the discussion and talk about the preparedness of both candidates, I think people are looking to see Biden perform; looking to see how crazy Trump will be," former House Democratic Caucus Chair Joe Crowley noted, per Fox.

(Getty Images)
Donald Trump (Getty Images)

With the Middle East "on fire" under Biden, Trump has a chance to contrast his administration’s approach, Rep Michael Waltz (R-Fl) emphasized.

The stage is set for a high-stakes showdown, with Biden’s podium choice ensuring Trump has the final say in their Atlanta face-off. "That's the thing you are going to see… what was the world like under Trump?" he stated.

Internet abuzz as Biden secures podium and Trump opts for last statement

A social media user commented, "I can’t wait to hear how well Biden has rehearsed those answers to the questions CNN gives him ahead of the debate."

Another added, "Trump chose to go last in offering a closing statement By far the most factor in the debate. Last statement will be what they remember period."

The Third said, "The debate will be entertaining"


"With these two as our top choices, this country is so screwed smh," asserted a user.

"He better get pumped full of amphetamines to stay awake," read a comment.


"He is going to have the last word, and that WORD is ECONOMY, ECONOMY, ECONOMY!" wrote a user.

"Good for Biden as he might doze off by the middle of the debate," mocked a user.


"Who cares! It all boils down to the Nov, 5th count," added an individual.

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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