Bill Maher slammed for warning about ominous election outcome over Biden's 'bizarre' immigration policy

Bill Maher warns of ominous election outcome over Biden's 'bizarre' immigration policy, Internet says 'he is a despicable hypocrite'
Bill Maher discussed Biden's recent executive action, which limits number of migrants allowed to claim asylum at the border (YouTube/HBO, Getty Images)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Bill Maher has voiced his concerns over President Joe Biden's latest policy move, labeling it as a "bizarre scheme."

On his show, ‘Real Time’, Maher criticized Biden's new immigration policy, asserting, "I don't think they could have handled it worse."

Mixed reactions to Joe Biden's asylum cap

On Friday's episode, Maher discussed Biden's recent executive action, which limits the number of migrants allowed to claim asylum at the border to 2,500 per day.

He argued, "It's not gonna succeed with voters."


Biden's announcement on Tuesday of this executive action has been met with criticism from both sides of the political spectrum.

Representative Ilhan Omar (D-Minn) called the order a "betrayal" of American ideals, while Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash) criticized the lack of provisions to facilitate migrants obtaining documented status.

Maher pointed out that Biden is employing the same authority that former President Trump used when he imposed bans on border crossings.

Bill Maher's critique

Maher remarked, "He's finally, after saying he couldn't do anything, he's gonna issue an executive order—by the way, this is the same executive order Trump tried to get through the courts and they didn't let him do it."

He further noted, "But he's gonna finally try it six months before the election, which says we will put a cap of 2,500 now, asylum seekers coming in. If it passes 2,500, if it's 2,501, then we automatically close the border. Fire marshal says 'No more!'"


Highlighting the scale of the issue, Maher cited that "more than nine million migrants have entered" the U.S. since Biden took office in January 2021. He provocatively commented, "That's more than the number of people who live in Nicaragua. He let in all of Nicaragua."

Maher criticized the Democrats for not addressing the core issue: "The question that Democrats don't seem to be able to have the balls to answer is just how many is too many? And like, infinity is the answer—if you don't give that answer, you're a racist. That's their essential problem with this issue."

Bill Maher's final verdict

In his critique of the executive order, Maher likened it to "surge-pricing with Uber." He stated, "It's a bizarre scheme that of course has pleased nobody. It looks like a last-minute... he did nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. Then of course, he did try through Congress and the Republicans purposely spiked that football. They didn't want this bill because they wanted it as an issue. So they could have fixed it themselves. They didn't. But now it looks like this is his last minute before-the-election Hail Mary pass, and it's not gonna succeed."

Maher summed up his concerns, saying, "If Biden loses this election, it's going to be because of two things: He's old… and immigration. I mean, just on a political level, I don't think they could have handled it worse."

Social media reacts to Bill Maher's political dilemma

Social media erupted with diverse opinions following Bill Maher's alleged struggle with endorsing either Trump or Biden.

One user wrote, "He knows deep down Trump is the better pick but “morally” can’t do it."


Another added, "He knows that if he ever says that, he loses his audience, his show, and his credibility since he’s blasted Trump over and over throughout the years. Not gonna happen."



One wrote, "He loves to complain about Biden but will not come out and say for Trump. He needs to keep his Leftist image intact"


One user write, "Maher can’t come to grips with the fact that his party has left him, they’ve far lefted him."


One said, "Maher is a despicable hypocrite."



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