Chris Christie slams Vivek Ramaswamy as 'America's most obnoxious blowhard' in intense exchange at fourth GOP debate

Chris Christie slams Vivek Ramaswamy as 'America's most obnoxious blowhard' in intense exchange at fourth GOP debate
Chris Christie and Vivek Ramaswamy got embroiled in a heated war of words during the fourth GOP debate (NewsNation)

TUSCALOOSA, ALABAMA: During a heated exchange about "foreign policy experience," Chris Christie labeled Vivek Ramaswamy as "the most obnoxious blowhard in America" after Ramaswamy implied that Nikki Haley lacked basic knowledge about the war in Ukraine.

"Let me just say something here, his reasonable peace deal in Ukraine, he made it clear, give them all the land they have already stolen, promise Putin you'll never put Ukraine in Russia, and then trust Putin not to have a relationship with China. Let me tell you something, that's not reasonable," Christie said about Ramaswamy's stand. 

When Ramaswamy disclaimed, "that's not my deal," Christie rebuked him, stating, "You do this in every debate; you go out on the stump, say something, we all see it on video, we confront you on the debate stage, you say you didn't say it, and then you back away."

As Ramaswamy tried to interject while Christie presented his defense, the former New Jersey governor yelled, "I am not done yet." Soon after, Ramaswamy accused Christie of spouting "nonsense," earning himself the label of the "most obnoxious blowhard in America."

"This the fourth debate that you would be voted in the first 20 mins as the most obnoxious blowhard in America. So shut up for a little while" Christie stated, drawing laughter from the audience. 


Chris Christie takes on Vivek Ramaswamy for insulting Nikki Haley 

During his argument with Ramaswamy, Christie called out the former for insulting Haley by questioning her knowledge. 

"We are now 25 minutes into this debate and he has insulted Nikki Haley's basic intelligence, not her position, her basic intelligence... she doesn't know regions, she wouldn't be able to find something on a map that his 3-year-old could find," Christie began. 

"Look, if you want to disagree on an issue, that's fine. Nikki and I disagree on certain issues, but I'll tell you this—I have known her for 12 years, longer than he (Ramaswamy) has even been voting in the Republican primary. While we disagree on some issues and we may have differing opinions on who should be president of the United States, what we don't disagree on is that she (Haley) is a smart, accomplished woman," he argued. Adding, "You should stop insulting her."

Chris Christie and Vivek Ramaswamy got involved in a heated exchange at the fourth GOP debate (Newsnation)
Chris Christie and Vivek Ramaswamy got involved in a heated exchange at the fourth GOP debate (Newsnation)

Vivek Ramaswamy asks Chris Christie to 'walk off the stage' 

As part of his argument against Christie, Ramaswamy said, "First of all, I think we just learned something from Chris Christie, we learned three things right there."

"First of all, Chris Christie also doesn't know what provinces in Eastern Ukraine he wants us to fight for," he began, making the audience laugh.

"Chris, your version of foreign policy experience was closing a bridge from New Jersey to New York. So do everybody a favor, just walk yourself off that stage, enjoy a nice meal and get the hell out of this race," Ramaswamy mentioned. 

He then faced the camera to address the audience saying, "These people want to send your sons and daughters to go die in Ukraine."

"They have been arguing for years. 200 billion dollars of our taxpayer money sent over neither of them could even name for you the provinces that they actually want to protect," Ramaswamy argued. 

"And these are the people who have been touting their so-called foreign policy experience. It is intellectual fraud," he stated, adding, "These people are lying to you, the same people who told you about weapons and mass destruction in Iraq." 

Ramaswamy continued to assert that "they knew nothing about" the invasion but still chose to "send thousands of our sons and daughters to go die."

"The same people who told you the same in Afghanistan, where the Taliban is still in charge 20 years later," he argued.

"7 trillion of our national debt due to these toxic neo-cons. You can put lipstick on a Dick Cheney it is still a fascist neo-con," Ramaswamy continued before being stopped by moderators.


Chris Christie slams Vivek Ramaswamy for 'insulting people'

As the fiery exchange between Christie and Ramaswamy persisted, the latter challenged the former New Jersey governor to "name the provinces (of Eastern Ukraine)."

"You couldn't even name the provinces," Ramaswamy exclaimed, prompting Christie to retake the microphone and say, "Let me just say this, you know this is the kind of thing where he talks about experience."

"I was the US attorney in New Jersey when the terrorist attacks were lodged against the United States in 2001. I brought the first two cases in this country against terrorists who tried to attack us again," he stated. 

Christie then highlighted his knowledge of the "threat of terrorism and bullying in this country and around the world" from his experiences, contrasting it with Ramaswamy's time "learning about the provinces in Ukraine" at Harvard.

"And the fact of the matter is, back then he was a Democrat, so the fact is all he knows how to do is insult people who have committed their lives to public service and not say anything that moves the ball down the field of the United States," Christie concluded. 

Chris Christie called out Vivek Ramaswamy for personal attack on Nikki Haley (NewsNation)
Chris Christie called out Vivek Ramaswamy for a personal attack on Nikki Haley (NewsNation)

The Internet agrees with Chris Christie calling Vivek Ramaswamy 'the most obnoxious blowhard in America'

Numerous internet users expressed support on social media platforms, including X (formerly Twitter), for Christie's call-out of Ramaswamy over his criticism of Haley's intelligence.

Many also concurred with Christie's characterization of Ramaswamy as 'the most obnoxious blowhard in America.'

"Chris Christie is speaking the truth but no one is listening," one user said. 

"Great to see Christie stand firm and expose Vivek for who he really is: an arrogant, inexperienced blowhard!" another added. 

"Dang, maybe I should’ve watched it. He’s right though. There’s nothing wrong with disagreeing on issues but personal attacks just show how small someone is" one wrote. 

"Wow, the part where he calls out Vivek for insulting Nikki's intelligence was good. I'm glad to see a Republican do that," one mentioned. 

"And @chrischristie is correct in that statement," a fifth commented. 

One said, "Christie might have just won the night with that exchange! KO'd"

While another added, "Chris Christie is absolutely spot on." 








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