Chris Sununu faces backlash for saying 'chaos and distraction' would prevent Trump from getting things done if reelected

Chris Sununu faces backlash for saying 'chaos and distraction' would prevent Trump from getting things done if reelected
Governor Chris Sununu aimed at Donald Trump claiming that 'chaos and distraction' would prevent Trump from serving a second term (@chrissununu/Instagram, Getty Images)

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Governor Chris Sununu aimed at former President Donald Trump on Friday, Dec 15, claiming that “chaos and distraction” would prevent Trump from serving a second term.

“The guy just has chaos and distraction that follows him. He’s not going to be able to get the stuff that we need done to fix this country,” he said in an MSNBC interview.

Chris Sununu criticizes Donald Trump

“Republicans want to go forward with the next generation of conservative leadership. We always want to be looking forward to the next opportunity to get stuff done. Not just looking in the rearview mirror, worrying about Trump litigating things,” he added.

On Tuesday, Sununu supported former UN ambassador Nikki Haley in her bid for the Republican nomination. He expanded on his arguments for why he thinks Haley is a better fit for the White House using the interview from Friday.

“Her numbers were surging long before I even got on board because she’s connecting with folks,” he said.

“By doing that, by spending time on the ground with our voters, she’s earning their trust, and trust is a very rare thing in Washington nowadays. People are liking it. She’s got that charisma, more than any other candidate out there. And that connection is why you’re seeing her numbers jump up,” he continued.

Internet takes a jibe at Chris Sununu

Chris Sununu faced backlash from internet users for saying 'chaos and distraction would prevent Trump from getting things done if reelected'.

A user wrote, "So try being less chaotic, Gov" whereas one commented, "No longer saying Trump "can't win"."

Another person wrote, "What he's not bothering to mention is that Trump and the GOP would CREATE that chaos. Just like they're doing in The House right now."

A person added, "Say rather Trump is so chaotic nothing would get done. Nice try at switching the blame".





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