Condoleezza Rice lauded as she says school choice for minorities is a 'matter of race'

Condoleezza Rice lauded as she says school choice for minorities is a 'matter of race'
Condoleezza Rice advocates for the right to choose a school (CEO Act/ YouTube)

STANFORD, CALIFORNIA: Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice advocated for school choice in the US, emphasizing that the absence of educational freedom disproportionately affects low-income minority students.

As the current director of the Hoover Institute at Stanford University, Rice discussed the importance of educational choice during a fireside chat on democracy at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institution in Simi Valley, California, on June 6.

Condoleezza Rice argues that lack of school choice negatively impacts low-income families

"So are you for school choice or not? We already have a choice system in education," Rice said. "If you are of means, you will move to a district where the schools are good and the houses are expensive, like Palo Alto, California."

She added, "If you’re really wealthy, you will send your kids to private school. So who’s stuck in failing neighborhood schools? Poor kids. A lot of them minority kids."

Rice contended that the absence of school choice adversely affects low-income families by confining them to underfunded school districts, Fox News Digital reports.

Former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice speaks in the A Time for Choosing Speaker series at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library on March 8, 2023 in Simi Valley, California. Rice served as secretary of state under President George W. Bush, the second woman and first African-American woman to hold that post. Previously under the same administration, she served as national security advisor. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images)
Former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice argued that lack of school choice negatively impacts low-income families (David McNew/Getty Images)

"How can you say you’re for civil rights, how can you say you’re for the poor when you’re condemning those children to not being able to read?" Rice remarked. "By the time they’re in third grade, they’re never going to read."

The US Department of Education's National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), often referred to as "The Nation's Report Card," indicates that approximately one-third of American fourth graders are reading at or below the basic level.

This statistic tends to be even lower for students from low-income and minority backgrounds.

Condoleezza Rice criticizes school choice and vouchers as destroying public schools

In a viral video, Rice said, "If you want to say that school choice and vouchers and charter schools are destroying the public schools, fine, you write that editorial in the Washington Post."

"But then don’t send your kids to Sidwell Friends [an elite Washington, DC, private school]," she continued.


The popularity of school choice has increased in recent years, with eleven states adopting universal school choice policies.

Many states have implemented Education Savings Accounts, allowing parents to use public funds for diverse educational expenses, such as private school tuition, instructional materials, and homeschooling costs.

Former United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice visits
Former United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice criticized school choice and vouchers as destroying public schools (Roy Rochlin/Getty Images)

Proponents of school choice, including The Heritage Foundation, argue that it offers equal opportunities for students of all income levels and races, leading to an overall rise in education standards.

However, opponents like the National Education Association contend that voucher programs often fail to cover the full cost of private schooling and deplete essential funds from public schools.

Internet reacts to Condoleezza Rice's statements

After the news surfaced internet, users started reacting to it. One said, "Maybe America’s clearest voice on what America should be as a country! Ms Rice is absolutely correct!!"


A user commented, "School choice is a scam for these exact reasons. She hit the nail on the head."


Another user added, "100% in favor of school choice...the $ follows the child. Public internment can still be a chioce but parents must be have the right to choose."


A third commentator added, "America NEEDS Universal School Choice (public or private schools) with vouchers or scholarships. Let parents use their tax dollars to educate their children at the school they think is best for them."


Another added, "This Lady also knows what the facts mean!"


"School choice is a good thing," a person said.



This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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