'There’s a tape': Trump spokesman Steven Cheung panned as he dares former Rep Bakari Sellers to 'prove' ex-president's N-word rant

'There’s a tape': Trump spokesman Steven Cheung panned as he dares former Rep Bakari Sellers to 'prove' ex-president's N-word rant
Steven Cheung dared former US Representative Bakari Sellers over Donald Trump's N-word slur claim (Steven Cheung/Facebook, Fox News/Screenshot, Getty Images)

MANHATTAN, NEW YORK: Former President Donald Trump's campaign spokesman, Steven Cheung, on Thursday, May 30, dared a former US Representative and CNN commentator, Bakari Sellers to "prove" that Donald Trump had used the N-word in an expletive-ridden social media rant. 

The attack came after the former producer of 'The Apprentice' spoke out after two decades of being under NDA. Bill Pruitt wrote in Slate on Thursday about how Trump used the slur on a black contestant he didn't want to win.

'Fake, Bull***t' story: Donald Trump's spokesman Steven Cheung slams ex-Rep Bakari Sellers

Pruitt, who worked on the show's first season, was one of the four producers of 'The Apprentice' which aired in 2004.

He said Trump used the N-word while dismissing the idea that a black contestant, Kwame Jackson, could be an early winner on the series.

(Steven Ferdman/Getty Images)
Bill Pruitt worked with Donald Trump on 'The Apprentice's first season which aired in 2004 (Steven Ferdman/Getty Images)

Pruitt noted that in a conversation about the winner's selection — between Kwame Jackson, a black contestant or Bill Rancic, who is white — Trump considered Rancic and the reason according to the ex-producer was racial. 

According to Pruitt, upon being made aware of some of Jackson's qualities, Trump remarked, "Yeah, but, I mean, would America buy a n***** winning?”

Pruitt wrote they were surprised and “none of us thinks to walk out the door and never return. I still wish I had.”

Bill Pruitt signed an NDA regarding Donald Trump's N-word use, which upon violation could lead to a $5M fine 

Pruitt claimed in the article that he came out as his two-decades-long NDA expired this year. 

"I should know. I was one of four producers involved in the first two seasons," he wrote in a long piece in Slate.

"During that time, I signed an expansive nondisclosure agreement that promised a fine of $5 million and even jail time if I were to ever divulge what actually happened. It expired this year," Pruitt wrote. 

Bill Pruitt
Bill Pruitt claimed in the article that he came out regarding Donald Trump's N-word comment as his two-decades-long NDA expired this year (IMBD)

He also detailed the Trump 'myth' he was involved in creating. "I can finally tell you what making Trump into what he is today looked like from my side. Most days were revealing. Some still haunt me, two decades later," he wrote.

Donald Trump's spokesperson Steven Cheung aims at former Rep Bakari Seller

Cheung, campaign communications director for Trump attacked former House representative, Sellers after he called out Trump in a tweet for saying the slur back then.

"Trump said n*****r. Literally no one is surprised, except maybe Sheppard G and the sleepy dude that endorsed him last week," Sellers posted on X. 


Infuriated by his post, Cheung quoted his tweet and wrote, "Prove it, b***h. You can’t, because it’s a fake and b*******t story your dumb a** is peddling because Biden is hemorrhaging support from Black Americans."


Cheung also made somewhat similar comments in a statement to the publication. “This is a completely fabricated and b******t story that was already peddled in 2016," he said.

"Nobody took it seriously then, and they won’t now, because it’s fake news. Now that Crooked Joe Biden and the Democrats are losing the election, they are bringing up old fake stories from the past because they are desperate,” he added.

Internet shames Donald Trump's spokesperson Steven Cheung's attacks ex-Rep Bakari Sellers

"Everything is falling apart around Donald Trump and it's hilarious. I love watching you MAGA people squirm," wrote one on X (formerly Twitter).

"Aren’t you an attorney for a former president? Good lord, button it up dude and be a professional," one rebuked Cheung.

One more wrote, "Pathetic to see a grown black man be an Uncle Tom for Joe Biden in this day and age." 

"There’s a tape dumb a**," one attacked him. "Good grief! Stop your crying," mocked one.

One suggested it was a "New Trump Hoax," that "just dropped."







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