Megyn Kelly blasts White House interns calling for ceasefire in Gaza in anonymous letter to Joe Biden

'Entitled Brats': Megyn Kelly lashes out at White House interns calling for ceasefire in Gaza in anonymous letter to Joe Biden
Megyn Kelly mocked the White House interns for maintaining their anonymity in the letter (@MegynKelly/YouTube & Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Former Fox News star Megyn Kelly recently criticized the actions of White House interns who wrote a letter to President Joe Biden, urging for a "permanent ceasefire" in the Israel-Hamas conflict. She described it as “absolutely disgusting, entitled conduct.”

Recently, NBC News reported that interns within the White House and the Executive Office of the President jointly submitted a letter to both the President and Vice President Kamala Harris, expressing criticism of the Biden administration's handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict.

In the letter, the interns asserted that they would no longer stay silent regarding what they deemed an ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people. They explicitly called on the Administration to advocate for a lasting ceasefire.

This infuriated Kelly, who ridiculed the interns as "entitled" for choosing to remain anonymous in the letter. She later referred to them as "anonymous entitled brats."

Megyn Kelly was joined by Stu Burguiere, host of BlazeTV's
Megyn Kelly was joined by Stu Burguiere, host of BlazeTV's 'Stu Does America,' and Dave Marcus, Daily Mail columnist, to discuss the White House interns' letter to President Biden (@MegynKelly/YouTube)                     

Megyn Kelly calls out White House interns’ ‘entitlement’

Kelly, along with Stu Burguiere, host of BlazeTV’s 'Stu Does America,' and Daily Mail columnist Dave Marcus, discussed the individuals she referred to as "entitled brats" and delved into what the letter might indicate about the future of the Democratic Party on her show.

Following the discussion about the letter, which was co-signed "in solidarity" by "40+ White House & EOP Interns for Palestine," Kelly speculated that the letter might be a "parody."

She went on to express her view that what she called "lunatic leftists" had brought such situations upon themselves.

She said, “You are now having interns demand things of the president of the United States who has been good enough to give them a position in the White House” 

“These are probably all the kids of donors and so on. What a bunch of brats”

Megyn Kelly labelled White House interns as 'entitled brats' after their anonymous letter to    President Joe Biden (@MegynKelly/YouTube)
Megyn Kelly labeled White House interns as 'entitled brats' after their anonymous letter to President Joe Biden (@MegynKelly/YouTube)

Later on, she sarcastically mocked the interns for choosing to remain anonymous, stating, "These courageous souls... did not put their names on the letter. They would like to remain anonymous; they want to be anonymous entitled brats."

However, Burguiere pointed out that these interns, whom he sarcastically referred to as "incredibly brave," are seen as representatives of the future of the left.

“This is, I guess, what you get when you turn over the intellectual leadership of your movement to Greta Thunberg – you wind up with a bunch of people who don’t know anything about what they’re talking about.”


Internet joins Megyn Kelly to slam the actions of White House interns

One user commented, “The arrogance and entitlement of these interns is mind-blowing! Show some respect for your POTUS! They didn't even have the guts to sign their letter. What are we going to do when people who should be in institutions are in charge of our institutions?”

A second user said, “Thank you for highlighting this outrage! I just read this on another outlet and couldn't believe my eyes! WTF do they think they are? Interns? Really?”

Another user added, “The interns are cowards because they are anonymous, entitled brats. Perfect statement as to who these people are.”

“Noticed how they won’t put their name to it. They don’t want to put their careers in jeopardy,” said a user.

“Leaders of tomorrow? They're lucky to be janitors of tomorrow,” joked another user.

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