Fourth GOP debate: Ron DeSantis' closing statement falls short as Internet shows support for Donald Trump instead

Fourth GOP debate: Ron DeSantis' closing statement falls short as Internet shows support for Donald Trump instead
GOP candidate and Florida Gov Ron DeSantis' closing remarks at the fourth Republican debate were not enough to sway voters away from Donald Trump (Getty Images)

TUSCALOOSA, ALABAMA: The fourth GOP debate in Alabama, moderated by Elizabeth Vargas, Megyn Kelly, and Eliana Johnson covered a plethora of topics but at the end of the day, all eyes were on the closing statements delivered by Chris Christie, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Ron DeSantis.

Florida Governor DeSantis delivered his closing statement on stage in Alabama, and while he received a fair amount of cheer from the audience, he didn’t quite hit the mark on social media. Instead of DeSantis, people showed their support for former President and GOP candidate, Donald Trump, who was once again missing from the debate.

Ron DeSantis gives his closing remarks

At the debate stage in Alabama, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis made his closing statement where he said, “We are in jeopardy of being the first generation of Americans to leave to our kids and grandkids an America less prosperous and less free than we inherited.”


He continued, “I refuse to sit idly by and let that happen. We gotta have people that are gonna be willing to fight the people that are doing this to us. You can’t be these establishment Republicans that just cave at the first sign of opposition.”

“I’ll fight for you,” said DeSantis and continued, “We also need to win again as a party, yes, win the election which we’ve struggled to do but also win on these big issues and nobody has defeated these more than what I have done in the state of Florida.”

DeSantis also spoke about “leadership” in this closing statement at the fourth GOP debate and promised to “fight the good fight.”

Internet prefers Donald Trump over Ron DeSantis after his closing statement

After Florida Governor Ron DeSantis delivered his closing statement at the debate in Alabama, people on X, formerly known as Twitter, decided to show their support for Donald Trump instead.

One user wrote, “We want Trump, I like Trump,” and another wrote, “We want Donald J. Trump!”



“That’ll be President Trump’s job, not yours. Stay and govern Florida,” expressed one user. A fourth person wrote, “I've got lots of respect for you, Governor DeSantis. But I'm still voting Trump.”



People continued to show their support for Trump as one user noted, “Ron stepped up tonight some. Still not taking Trump out,” and another wrote, “Go home and fight for Floridians, you've abandoned your post man. Trump or Bust!”



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