‘Great conversation’: Internet applauds Bill Maher and John Cleese’s blunt critique of New York Times

‘Great conversation’: Internet applauds Bill Maher and John Cleese’s blunt critique of New York Times for ‘too much editorializing’
Bill Maher and John Cleese lamented the state of The New York Times on the latest episode of the 'Club Random' podcast (@ClubRandomPodcast/YouTube)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: On the latest episode of the 'Club Random podcast', Bill Maher and 'Monty Python' actor, John Cleese expressed their dissatisfaction with the state of The New York Times.

Amid their discussion on their disdain for "woke" politics, Maher and Cleese particularly focused on the Times.


Maher and Cleese talk about The New York Times

Maher kicked off the conversation by expressing his disillusionment with a once-revered institution, The New York Times.

He remarked, "The New York Times on Sunday very often has on the back page of the weekend review a focus group with people -like 12 people-. And I'm just reading this, like, thinking, Oh we're so f**ked'. They're just saying the dumbest s**t and it's printed in The New York Times."


Bill Maher and  John Cleese discuss the current status of The New York Times (@ClubRandomPodcast/YouTube)

Cleese, sharing Maher's disillusionment, added, "I used to think that was a great newspaper and I don't anymore."

"I don't either. It’s sad because it was, like, on my breakfast table when I was a kid," said Maher.

Cleese remarked that in the past, one could confidently label the Times as a "paper of record" but he expressed skepticism regarding its current status.

Maher acknowledged that the paper is "certainly more successful than ever", adding, "it has some very good columnists".

John Cleese said that at one time, The New York Times was a 'paper of record' (@ClubRandomPodcast/YouTube)

The conversation delved deeper into the issues plaguing contemporary journalism, highlighting the prevalence of editorializing over factual reporting.

Maher lamented, "What is annoying about it is that it's not 'just give me the facts'. There's way too much editorializing on the front page, the way the articles that are just supposed to be the fact kind of articles are slanted one way."

"I’m not even necessarily for the other side."

The host concurred, emphasizing the importance of unbiased reporting. "I just want someone to tell me the whole truth, not just like your version of it. Because you can lie by what you omit. And they do. Both sides."

Internet reacts to Maher and Cleese's comedic brilliance

Subsequent to Bill Maher's humor and the episode's conclusion, people utilized various social platforms to express their views.

One viewer noted, "One's brain working the way John's brain works at the age of 84 is something that I would consider a superpower."


A user comments on Bill Maher and John Cleese's conversation (@ClubRandomPodcast/YouTube)

"John tellingly Bill to not worry about stuff . And Bill moaning about his life is priceless," observed another viewer. 

"What an utter Treat this is, Thanks Bill!",one comment read.


"This is a great conversation between two comedic and intellectual minds," another viewer praised. 

"Simply the best CR I have seen. Thanks Bill for bringing John on and having such an amazing conversation," said another viewer.


"Oh my days, so much comedic energy in one room," a viewer commented. 

This article contains remarks made on the internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online. 

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