'He isn’t wrong for once': Internet agrees with Ron DeSantis as Florida Gov claims Trump is not pro-life

'He isn’t wrong for once': Internet agrees with Ron DeSantis as Florida Gov claims Trump is not pro-life
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ramped up his attack against Donald Trump in the lead-up to the Iowa caucus on January 15, 2024 (@flgovrondesantis/Instagram, Getty Images)

DES MOINES, IOWA: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is finally launching the kind of anti-Trump campaign that he should have been running since the beginning of the year.

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On Thursday, December 21, DeSantis slammed Trump on a range of issues, but the two statements that would grate on Trump the most are about issues close to his heart: his electability and his alternating stance on abortion.

Per MeidasTouch, DeSantis has stepped up his attacks on Trump, campaigning on December 20 and 21, alongside Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds, Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt, and Texas Congressman Chip Roy, with the Iowa caucuses less than a month away.

What did Ron DeSantis say against Donald Trump?

First, DeSantis predicted that if Trump is elected, he will be defeated by the incumbent, President Joe Biden.

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DeSantis addressed a roomful of Republican voters saying, “I've said from the beginning, I just don't think the American people will elect Trump again. I think that the Democrats want that matchup for a reason.”

He continued, “But let's just say I'm wrong. Certainly, if he were to get in, he would not be dependable on a lot of the issues that Conservatives have cared about. I think he's going to go his own way on Second Amendment, on all these other things. That's just the nature of it.”

“And for me, I think it's more principle-based than it is about trying to position yourself or trying to get short-term political benefit,” DeSantis explained.

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Subsequently, the Florida Governor argued that President Trump has struggled to establish a consistent stance on abortion that would not alienate the majority of voters in the upcoming November 2024 election.

President Trump faces the dilemma of needing to take a firm pro-life stance during the primaries while avoiding sound bites that could be exploited by the opposition party during the general election.

As a result, President Trump must navigate a delicate balance in his approach to the issue of abortion, and DeSantis, who’s well aware of the chink in his rival’s armor, exploited it to his advantage by reminding voters, “He's attacked the Heartbeat Bill in Iowa, like Iowa has. He says that's a terrible, terrible thing.”

“To denigrate people. I mean, like, what's the strategy going forward? And there's different people of good faith that have different views on that. And it's not even clear necessarily what would be the most effective. I think that there's room for debate,” he added.

“But to attack a state and to attack protections affirmatively, and saying that that's a terrible, terrible thing, I mean, you cannot call yourself pro-life at that point,” he said.

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The notion that Donald Trump has had some kind of philosophical turnaround on abortion since his days as an unfettered pro-choicer is irrational, to say the least.

Since 2015, his abortion stance has been a tactic to shore up the evangelical support, which has always been wary of him due to his shady past and the fact that he clearly has never attended church and can't name a Bible passage, as evident from his earlier sit-down interviews.

It may be too little, too late for the Florida Governor but Iowa voters are infamous for making last-minute decisions, so perhaps not.

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DeSantis is counting on an all-out sprint to the finish line in terms of money and nationwide attention, Kim Reynolds' grassroots activists on loan to his campaign, and Trump's (possible) refusal to appear at the last debate, to turn the tide in his favor.

He concluded his session with GOP voters on Thursday, saying, “Please talk to your friends, families, neighbors. Everyone just bring an extra person. We are going to win, no question. I mean, that's just the reality. And you will be making a big statement in this country. And the one thing is the media has their preset narrative. They know what they want, but they're not going to be able to deny these results if we all do our part. So, thank you for your support. Merry Christmas and God bless.”

Internet agrees with Ron DeSantis’ remarks against Donald Trump

People on X approved of DeSantis’ analysis of Trump and gave him plaudits for bringing up the former President’s chequered history with abortion, but the majority feels this barrage of attacks against him should’ve been in motion since last Spring.


One X user said, "He isn’t wrong for once."


"How cute: DeSantis still thinks his political party is defined by policy," another user remarked


One user wrote, "Even further abortion restrictions. That certainly will help get Republicans elected. SMH"


One user tweeted, "What a hard hitting attack. No wonder he's doing so well."


Another X user said, "Ooooh! If he had started saying things like this months ago, we might actually have a contest for the Republican nomination."


"He is right, Trump has never been pro life, he only pretended to be when it suited him," one user wrote agreeing with DeSantis.



This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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