Internet appalled after Michael McCaul tells GOP Rep Darrel Issa to 'f*** yourself' for exceeding speaking time

Internet appalled after Michael McCaul tells GOP Rep Darrel Issa to 'f*** yourself' for exceeding speaking time
Michael McCaul was caught uttering an expletive at Darrel Issa during a congressional hearing (Screenshots/FOX News)

WASHINGTON, DC: Rep Michael McCaul was seen on camera telling a Republican colleague to "go f*** yourself" at a Tuesday, March 19, meeting of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, according to HuffPost.

Rep Darrell Issa questioned retired Army General Mark Milley, the former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on America's exit from Afghanistan in 2021, and McCaul subtly cursed at him.

Michael McCaul swears at Republican friend

Rep Darrell Issa of California was given a speech interruption by McCaul during a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on Tuesday. McCaul then asked Issa to "go f*** Yourself" The committee's chair, McCaul, issued an apology in a statement for his remarks, as per The Hill.


McCaul said in a statement, "It was a long day, and I lost my temper. That is uncharacteristic of me and I apologize to Mr Issa, who I consider a friend."

McCaul was annoyed with Issa for going over his allotted time, a committee aide told The Hill. The official pointed out that the chair limited each member's speech to five minutes to maintain fairness to the committee. McCaul wants to get to the confidential briefing on the subject, said the aide.

Meanwhile, Issa shared a social media post in response to McCaul's comments. "Hey @RepMcCaul — I’ve been called worse … and by people I don’t like!" Issa wrote.


During the hearing, former Joint Chiefs of Staff chair General Mark Milley and former US Central Command chief General Kenneth McKenzie testified on the US pullout from Afghanistan in 2021.

The retired generals informed the committee of the faults committed throughout the 20-year conflict that resulted in the withdrawal, while also acknowledging that the Biden administration was still guilty of certain missteps.

Notably, at the session, McCaul pledged to bring individuals responsible for the withdrawal from Afghanistan accountable, having begun his probe into the matter in January 2023.

He said, "I believe that accountability ensures mistakes of the past are not repeated. I launched this investigation to make sure that the mistakes made in Afghanistan never ever happen again."

Internet mocks Michael McCaul for using the F-word

People on the internet took a jibe at the situation and expressed their views on social media. A user wrote on X, "Fine people in both sides" while one added, "That is what we the citizens say."



A user also wrote, "The finest people" whereas one mentioned, "Wow, what happened to decorum? To decency? This is reprehensible. I am appalled. Honestly, Ryan, I've had it up to here."



A user also stated, "McCaul is a secret good guy. I’ve thought that for a while."


This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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