Internet backs Jesse Watters as Fox News host calls Donald Trump’s removal from Colorado ballot a ‘targeted lawsuit’ to knock off former POTUS

Internet backs Jesse Watters as Fox News host calls Donald Trump’s removal from Colorado ballot a ‘targeted lawsuit’ to knock off former POTUS
Fox News host Jesse Watters called Donald Trump's removal from the Colorado ballot a 'targeted lawsuit' (Fox News, Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Fox News host Jesse Watters recently shared his opinion on former President Donald Trump’s removal from the Colorado ballot and called it a “targeted lawsuit” to knock off Trump and disqualify him.

This came after Colorado Supreme Court disqualified Trump from appearing on the state’s ballots in 2024.

The disqualification was made under the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution and relates to the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021.

Following this news, Watters took to X (formerly Twitter) to share his views. Apparently, several X users backed Watters and supported his take as he claimed that Trump was targeted in order to knock him off from other states ballots.

Jesse Watters claims Donald Trump’s removal is a ‘targeted lawsuit’

Jesse Watters took to X and wrote, “The all-Democrat appointed Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Trump engaged in an insurrection against the US on January 6th. This targeted lawsuit, filed by a Soros-funded outlet, is aimed at setting a precedent and denying the people their right to vote.”


Watters shared a video of his monologue where he said, “Donald Trump has just been kicked off the ballot in Colorado. The Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Donald Trump engaged in insurrection against the United States on January 6 and under the 14th Amendment, he’s constitutionally prohibited from holding office.”

He continued, “Therefore, Donald Trump’s name will not appear on the ballot of the Republican primary in Colorado and therefore not appear on the ballot in the general election in Colorado.”

“That is unless the US Supreme Court takes the case. Donald Trump will be appealing the ruling and the Supreme Court has till January 4 to announce if it will take it. We expect the Supreme Court to hear it before this Colorado things sets precedent and affects Trump’s ballots in other states.”

“Colorado lawsuit was filed by Soros-funded outlet, decided by an all-democratic appointed Supreme Court and the democrat Colorado Secretary of State within a split seconds was celebrating on MSNBC,” Watters exclaimed.

Watters also read out loud the response from the Trump campaign following the ballot removal, “Democrat Party leaders are in a state of paranoia over the growing, dominant lead President Trump has amassed in the polls. They have lost faith in the failed Biden presidency and are now doing everything they can to stop the American voters from throwing them out of office next November.”

It continued, “We have fill confidence that the US Supreme Court will quickly rule in out favor and finally put an end to these unAmerican lawsuits.”

Watters continued to bash the decision stating, “Remember, Biden won Colorado by nearly 14 points. This was never about Colorado ballot access, this was about having a targeted lawsuit aimed at setting a precedent to knock Trump off dozens of state ballots.”

He further added, “And disqualify by any means necessary from the presidency. Therefore, denying the people their right to vote.”


Internet backs Jesse Watters claims

After Jesse Watters expressed his thoughts and claimed that Donald Trump’s removal from Colorado ballot was a targeted lawsuit, many X users also supported the host’s remarks.

One person wrote, “Don’t Appeal.  Let the CO Court live with their decision of disenfranchising millions of voters. Then just sue to have to CO electoral college votes thrown out as a result of a rigged election.”


Another X user expressed their frustration, “What they don’t understand is that makes us want Trump all the more! This is election interference and the SCOTUS should over turn this immediately!!  Left is trying hard to keep him off the ballot b/c they know they can’t beat him. If this stands Biden needs to go too!!”


One more X user showed anger adding, “I WILL NOT BE DENIED MY RIGHT TO VOTE- Colorado Garbage Judges!”, and another wrote, “They are smoking too much pot. It’s disgusting. We need to end this.”



A person simply said, “This is the 21st century version of the commies/fascists banning opposition parties and canceling elections.”


Another praised Trump adding, “This only assures he will win in a landslide”


This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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