Internet cheers on Vivek Ramaswamy after entrepreneur calls Nikki Haley 'corrupt' during fourth GOP debate

Internet cheers on Vivek Ramaswamy after entrepreneur calls Nikki Haley 'corrupt' during fourth GOP debate
Vivek Ramaswamy torches Nikki Haley as he questions her 'authenticity' on the fourth GOP debate (Rumble)

TUSCALOOSA, ALABAMA: During the fourth Republican presidential debate held in Arizona, biotech entrepreneur Ramaswamy launched a barrage of charges against the former South Carolina governor and US ambassador to the UN, Haley, and labeled her as "corrupt."

Despite the provocative remarks, Nikki Haley chose not to engage in a verbal duel, stating that it was not worth her time to respond to Ramaswamy's criticisms.

The debate featured only four candidates, including former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Notably, the front-runner for the Republican Party's nomination, former President Donald Trump, once again opted to skip the debate, choosing to hold a fundraiser in Florida instead.

Participating in the debate, the 38-year-old entrepreneur accused Haley of having a "corruption problem" and theatrically held up a pad of paper with the message "NIKKI = CORRUPT" written on it.

The bold move elicited a mixed response from the audience, with both boos and cheers.


Vivek Ramaswamy calls Nikki Haley ‘corrupt’

Vivek Ramaswamy characterized Haley as "a puppet" and accused her of employing "identity politics" as what he deemed "a form of intellectual fraud” after he was asked if he was “questioning Nikki Haley’s Christian convictions.”

Vivek Ramaswamy pens down 'Nikki is corrupt' on a paper pad during fourth GOP debate (Rumble)
Vivek Ramaswamy pens down 'Nikki is corrupt' on a paper pad during the fourth GOP debate (Rumble)

To this, he said, “I don’t question her faith, but I question her authenticity. And I think that’s deeper here. We were talking about the trans issue, this is a symptom of deeper cancer in American life- ‘identity politics’.”

He continued, “This new religion says your race, your gender, and your sexuality are your identity. It is anti-American. It is anti-meritocratic and it is dividing this country to a breaking point.”


“Now, I’ve spoken about this to the left, my books are all about this, I’ve preached this to the left but its even worse when republicans try to play the same game.”

Ramaswamy slammed Haley adding, “We’re talking about that trans issue and Nikki Haley’s campaign launch video sounded like a woke Dylan Mulvaney bud light ad talking about how she would kick in heels.”


“At the first debate, she said that only a women can get this job done, that’s what she said. After the third debate, when I criticized Ronna McDaniel after five failed years of leadership of this party and criticized Nikki for her corrupt foreign dealings as a military contractor, she said that I have women problem.”


He addressed Nikki adding, “Nikki I don’t have a women problem, you have a corruption problem and I think that that’s what people need to know. Nikki is corrupt!” as he showed his message highlighted on the pad.

He concluded adding, “This is the women who will send your kids to die, so she can buy a bigger hat. This is the problem, using identity politics more effectively than Kamala Harris is a form of intellectual fraud. The puppet masters put up their puppet and I reject the use of identity politics in this party.


Internet agrees with Vivek Ramaswamy’s remarks on Nikki Haley being ‘corrupt’

After Vivek Ramaswamy called Nikki Haley “corrupt” by penning it down on a paper pad during the fourth GOP debate, several X users agreed with the entrepreneur.

One person wrote, “Wow...Vivek just served Nikki a can of "Whoop A**," and another said, “Dude melted her with stick figures.”



One more X user backed Ramaswamy adding, “Vivek is on fire. Calling all of them out for their corruption,” and another wrote, “@VivekGRamaswamy was giving a master class on calling out the neocons and corrupt politicians running against him tonight.”



An X user simply said, “Damn... really threw her under the bus,” and another mocked Haley, “That’s what Nikki saw when she was in heels,” referring to a tweet showing Ramaswamy's notepad from the top view, adding, “They made her put her tennis shoes back on.”



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