Internet dubs Jesse Watters 'smarmy mouth' for claiming Democrats are stopping America from being normal again by keeping Trump in court

Internet dubs Jesse Watters 'smarmy mouth' for claiming Democrats are stopping America from being normal again by keeping Trump in court
Jesse Watters ignited controversy by asserting a desire among American voters to 'make America normal again' but Democrats are preventing that by keeping Donald Trump in court (Jesse Watters/X, Getty Image)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: In a recent commentary, Fox News host Jesse Watters ignited a debate by asserting that a substantial portion of American voters long to "make America normal again."

Watters contended that this desire for normalcy is being obstructed by Democrats who, in his view, are excessively fixated on former President Donald Trump.

The clash between 'normies' and the elite establishment


Watters articulated his perspective, stating, "Normies are revolting, and they want to make America normal again." He cited Martin Gury, a former CIA analyst, who characterizes the contemporary political landscape as a battleground between ordinary citizens, whom he terms "normies," and the elite class.

According to Watters, these "normies" simply seek to lead traditional lives – work, start families, and pursue their aspirations without undue interference from the ruling elite.

"The elites need total control over the information sphere, because their policies on immigration, gender, and climate, just to mention a few, aren't popular with normies," Watters asserted. He continued, "To them, normies are just a basket of deplorables manipulated by unscrupulous populists, who need to be brought to heel."

Jesse Watters accused the elites of imposing radical changes across various aspects of society (Fox News)

He accused these elites of imposing radical changes across various aspects of society, including gender norms, environmental policies, and cultural practices. Watters contends that these initiatives are not in alignment with the preferences of the general populace, hence the growing pushback against them.

The Democratic obsession with Donald Trump

Moreover, Watters asserts that the Democratic establishment is preoccupied with demonizing figures like Donald Trump and suppressing dissenting voices rather than addressing the concerns of everyday citizens.

He highlights instances of censorship, character assassination, and ideological policing as manifestations of this trend. According to Watters, despite concerted efforts to marginalize them, "normies" continue to assert their influence through electoral victories and grassroots movements.

"Trump's holding a rally tomorrow in the South Bronx, and Joe Biden can't even fill up a room in New Hampshire," Watters observed. "This was the president of the United States' crowd yesterday. Does that look like a man of the people?"

Central to Watters' argument is the belief that the Democratic Party's fixation on Trump – evident in ongoing investigations and media coverage – is a diversion from the pressing issues facing the nation. He contended that the Biden administration's focus on its predecessor detracts from its ability to govern effectively and address critical challenges such as the pandemic, rising crime rates, inflation, and immigration.

"36 percent The revenge of the normies is even being felt in Biden's hometown of Scranton," Watters highlighted, referencing a Reuters poll showing President Biden's approval rating plummeting to 36%.

Social media users critique Jesse Watters' statements

Jesse Watters' commentary has sparked significant backlash on social media platforms, with users expressing sharp criticism of his assertions.

One user wrote, "Don't talk shoe polish hair preppie! Please and thank you.."


Another wrote, "Stop trying to make Bodega Summer happen, Jesse. It’s not going to happen."


One said, "It is really sad that you are allowed to spew lies and mislead people every day. And get paid for lying. Did you know all major media corporations are owned by republicans. Jesse - what was going through your head the first time you cheated on your wife? Exciting lust? Sick."


Another added, "Get the Jersey Shore out of your smarmy mouth. Trump is in court because he’s a criminal."


"Trumps a crook Watters and you know it! He has no plan, no understanding of the economy and the only person he gives a damn about is his fat self!" another user opined.


One user replied, "Jesse Waters is the biggest sleeze bag liar on cable network."


This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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