Internet dubs Ron DeSantis 'desperate' as his campaign launches 'Trump-Nikki 2024' website

Internet dubs Ron DeSantis 'desperate' as his campaign launches 'Trump-Nikki 2024' website
Ron DeSantis' campaign launched a parody website about his 2024 presidential election rivals, Nikki Haley and Donald Trump (@flgovrondesantis/Instagram, Getty Images)

TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA: The campaign team of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis launched a new website on Tuesday, December 19, that accuses presidential candidate Nikki Haley of seeking the White House for the sole purpose of becoming former President Trump's vice president.

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The website, titled ‘Trump-Nikki 2024’, cites multiple comments made by Haley and other politicians to argue that she is more interested in being Trump's vice president than the president herself.

Furthermore, the website parodies Trump's campaign slogan by touting the mock campaign's slogan as "Make the Establishment Great Again!"

According to The Hill, the purported website states, "For years, Nikki Haley has wanted to be Donald Trump’s Vice President… and now she is using her 2024 candidacy to finally make her VP dream a reality by following the lead of the former president as they’ve combined to spend over $30 million against Ron DeSantis, all while she refuses to attack Trump."

Ron DeSantis has previously questioned Nikki Haley about her stance on becoming Donald Trump's VP

DeSantis has recently taken a critical stance towards the former US Ambassador to the United Nations, Haley, as she gains momentum in the New Hampshire polls.

He has publicly questioned whether Haley would accept a vice presidential nomination if Trump offered it after gaining office.

Earlier in December, during a campaign stop in New Hampshire, DeSantis said, "There’s a reason why they spend money against me. Haley and Trump spent money against me. He has not spent any money against her, and she has not spent any money against him." 

He added, "She will not answer directly, and she owes you an answer to this: Will she accept a vice presidential nomination from Donald Trump? Yes or no?"

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Despite the DeSantis campaign's assertion that Haley and Trump do not criticize each other, two super PACs associated with both parties have released competing ads in New Hampshire.

Haley's PAC ad argues that Trump is attacking her because she poses a threat to his nomination as the Republican candidate.

"Of all the Republicans running for president, why is Donald Trump only attacking Nikki Haley? Because Trump knows Haley’s the only one who can beat him," stated the narrator of the former South Carolina Governor's ad.

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On the other hand, the MAGA Inc commercial criticized Haley for reversing her promise not to raise the gas tax during her time as South Carolina's Governor in 2013.

In response, Haley stated that Trump was "getting nervous" about her potential candidacy and, therefore, attacked her in his MAGA Inc advertisement.

Internet blasts Ron DeSantis as his campaign team launches website for 'Trump-Nikki 2024'

Soon after the launch of the 'Trump-Nikki 2024' website by Ron DeSantis' campaign came to light, netizens didn't hold back on slamming the Florida Governor. 


One wrote, "That is a post of desperation, big time," while another said, "This is just sad."

A person remarked, "That is desperate and won't happen," with someone else expressing, "How sad. DeSantis has fallen lower than I thought possible." 

"Crazy DeSantis ruined his whole political career instead of waiting 4 years," exclaimed a disgruntled individual. 






This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online. 

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