'Jim Jones-level bulls**t': Internet mocks Caroline Sunshine's comparison of Donald Trump to a 'pair of glasses for the American people'

'Jim Jones-level bulls**t': Internet mocks Caroline Sunshine's comparison of Donald Trump to a 'pair of glasses for the American people'
Donald Trump's Deputy Communications Director Caroline Sunshine used a bizarre analogy to describe her boss (Getty Images/Rumble screengrab)

WASHINGTON, DC: During a recent appearance on 'Real America's Voice,' Caroline Sunshine, Deputy Communications Director for Donald Trump, drew attention with her metaphorical comparison of the former president to "a pair of glasses for the American people."

Sunshine's remarks came amid discussions about the House's actions towards Attorney General Merrick Garland, including a call for his removal from office.

WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 21: U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland gives an opening statement during
Sunshine's remarks came amid discussions about the House's actions towards Attorney General Merrick Garland, including a call for his removal from office (Getty Images)

Caroline Sunshine advocates the removal of Merrick Garland

Speaking passionately, Sunshine called for transparency and accountability, stating, "Well, let's not just hold Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress. Let's get him out of office." She highlighted Trump's role in bringing clarity, comparing him to a crucial tool for uncovering the truth.

"Sunlight is the best disinfectant," she asserted, highlighting, "I think that's something unique about President Trump." Reflecting on Trump's impact, Sunshine reiterated, "President Trump is like a pair of glasses for the American people. It's always through him that they can see the truth," reported Rumble.

(Getty Images)
Caroline Sunshine asserted that Donald Trump is like a pair of glasses for American people (Getty Images)

Social media mocks Caroline Sunshine's comments about Trump

A social media user commented, "To the American people Donald Trump is a Convicted Felon, we don't need his rose colored glasses to see that. Where do these people come from?" [sic]

Another added, "'It's always through him that they can see the truth.' But the truth is that it's all a lie."

A user stated, "The perfect trump woman-blond, naive, stupid and looks like Vanky."

"Beer goggles? Speed spectacles? Grift glasses?" mockingly questioned a user.

"I think sunshine needs glasses and a brain. Definitely a brain," chimed another user.

"Those glasses must have reflector mirror's on the inside, because the only thing Trump sees is himself," claimed a user. [sic]

"Seems to be no shortage of bleach blond ditzes to spokesperson for Trump," highlighted a commenter. [sic]

"Yep …. I can see right through him….and see the truth!!! Thanx 'Bubble Headed Bleach Blond!!!'" penned a user

"Ironically, the inability (or refusal) of family or followers to recognize how abusive and damaged a malignant narcissist is, largely because they don't want to give up the bond they've unwisely formed with that narcissist, is known as betrayal blindness by psychologists. Thought I'd mention that since the Trump cult member was engaging in vision metaphors," read a tweet.

"Most people can see right through him. A lot of people hate the 'libs' enough that they want to use Trump to destroy the country," added another.

"That is some Jim Jones-level bulls**t right there," stated a user.

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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