'Nothing new': Internet backs Laura Ingraham as she claims Bidens 'look down on everyone else' amid debate debacle

'Nothing new': Internet backs Laura Ingraham as she claims Bidens 'look down on everyone else' amid debate debacle
Laura Ingraham lambasted the Biden family for reportedly 'privately trashing' senior campaign staff following President Biden’s lackluster debate performance (Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: According to a report from Fox News, Laura Ingraham lambasted the Biden family for reportedly "privately trashing" senior campaign staff following President Biden’s lackluster debate performance, as well as for "looking down on others."

According to Politico, the family blamed the aides for issues such as Biden’s failure to attack more, being too defensive, and being overworked and tired. Moreover, Ron Klain, one of the aides, even took leave from his job at Airbnb to help Biden prepare.

CLEVELAND, OH - JULY 20:  Political talk radio host Laura Ingraham delivers a speech on the third da
Political talk radio host Laura Ingraham said 'the Bidens are loyal to the Bidens' (Getty Images)

Laura Ingraham blasts Biden's family, rejects blame on aides for debate performance

Ingraham criticized the act of blaming Biden’s longtime aides for his poor performance, calling it despicable. She argued that if anyone other than Biden himself is to blame, it is his own family. Historically, they have been his major political liabilities, and now they are turning to Politico to criticize the very people who have supported them.

The Fox News host asked, "Does anyone really believe that Biden’s staff told Biden to forget what he was talking about? Did they tell him to mumble and lose his train of thought? Did they coach him to stare off into space with his mouth open? Of course not."

She added, "These are professional people, and they did their best to prepare him—which apparently was as easy as lighting a wet log outside in a rainstorm. Joe Biden lost the debate because he was incapable of doing the job, not because he got bad advice."

WILMINGTON, DELAWARE - AUGUST 20: : Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden appears oh stage with
Laura Ingraham commented that Jill Biden has often portrayed herself publicly as her husband's supportive angelic figure, but now her previously pristine image appears tarnished (Getty Images)

Laura Ingraham stressed that the Bidens prioritize their own interests over those of the Democratic Party or the country, showing loyalty primarily to themselves.

According to Politico, First Lady Jill Biden and Hunter Biden were the primary advocates for President Biden's 2024 candidacy.

She then remarked that this should come as no surprise, likening Jill Biden to Lady Macbeth and suggesting that her seemingly dutiful public persona conceals a more ruthless nature.

Ingraham argued, "The Bidens look down on everyone else. They don’t care about their party, their loyal staff. They don’t care about liberalism, or dignity, or anything as much as they care about themselves.  They will never take responsibility.  They will never take blame. They will never change."

Laura Ingraham gains support for her comments 

Readers supported Ingraham's opinion, highlighting the absurdity of blaming others for Joe Biden's disastrous debate performance.

One person said, "If the senior staff had any integrity, they should resign en mass. Biden just threw them under the bus which is a sign of no confidence."

Another said, "Blaming anyone other than Joe Biden for his debate performance is absurd. And while I rarely agree with Ingraham, she's correct in my opinion that it is incredibly selfish for them to keep pushing a man who is clearly having cognitive issues. They talk about putting country over self-interest, yet their actions seem to be the reverse."

One reader noted, "Blaming everyone but Biden for his self-inflicted disaster is totally consistent with the man. Never in his life has he ever done anything wrong. Every failure, and there have been many, we're someone else's fault. Contrast that to Trump. He doesn't public accept or deny his own failures. He just fires the people involved. Problem solved. I'll take Trump's approach every single day and I'm not a huge Trump fan although the Left is swiftly making me one." [sic]

Another observed, "Laura is right. The Biden's, starting with Joe, are corrupt grifters and have been their entire lives. They are in this for themselves as they wallow in power and prestige while seriously damaging our country with every corrupt policy."

"Hate Trump if you wish, he donated every dime of his salary to charity, personally profited not at all from holding office, and tried to put America First with every policy while being resisted abd demonized by the lying Democrats. Yes, he is brash, outspoken, and flamboyant with sometimes poorly worded tweets, but he's far better for our country than the alternative, even if the alternative is not Biden," the reader added.

One comment read, "The Bidens have to blame someone, personal responsibility is not in their vocabulary." 

Another comment read, "There's nothing new about this. Biden's have always been family first, country last. Forty years of facts speak for themselves."

"They blame everyone but themselves. That's the democratic way," explained one person.

This article contains remarks made on the internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online. 

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