Joe Biden slammed after Jim Jordan alleges POTUS was ‘determined to create border crisis’ on ‘Hannity’

'How outrageous!' Internet slams Joe Biden after Jim Jordan alleges POTUS was ‘determined to create border crisis’ on ‘Hannity’
Jim Jordan joined Fox News host Sean Hannity to discuss the border crisis and slammed Joe Biden's policy (@foxnews/YouTube, @jim_jordan/Twitter, @pots/Instagram)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan reportedly discussed the firsthand visit to President Joe Biden’s border crisis on ‘Hannity’ and alleged that POTUS was “determined to create this crisis.”

Following this news, Fox News host Sean Hannity took to X, formerly known as Twitter, to share his conversation with Jordan.

Several people on the internet backed Jordan’s remarks as they also took a jab at the POTUS.

Jim Jordan alleges Joe Biden was ‘determined to create border crisis’ on ‘Hannity’

Fox News anchor Sean Hannity took to X and wrote, “Biden's border crisis will hit 12M migrants in 4 years @Jim_Jordan.”


In this tweet, he shared a clip of his discussion with Jim Jordan in which he stated, “Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have no interest apparently in fixing the border crisis they themselves created. But the House Republicans are now determined to take action.”

He continued, “A group of more than 60 GOP members led by the speaker of the house, Mike Johnson, they visited the border today to see things for themselves. By the way, something they may want to do.”

Hannity then welcomed Jordan to his show and said, “House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan was on that trip earlier today. He joins us now.”

Hannity then asked Jordan, “We have all these budgetary battles that are upcoming, and to me, there are two huge priorities the Republicans- well, three actually that Republicans need to take on.”

“One is the border,” Hannity went on to explain, before adding, “Because I believe it is clear and present danger, especially with all the people coming from Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, Egypt, Russia, and China.”

Explaining the second issue, Hannity said, “The next issue of great importance is getting the $34 trillion under control.”

“The third thing would be your investigation. Will those things happen this election year?” he questioned Jordan.

Jordan responded, “I think they will and you not only see the problem here. 8 out of 10 Americans know the border situation is a crisis, they also understand the magnitude. They think it’s a crisis because it is.”

“300,000 last month, the highest on record. And under Joe Biden, his administration, the pace we are on, we will hit 12 million migrants coming into the country in four years,” he added,

Jordan continued, “That’s why we just got to stop. There should be no more migrants coming into the country unless there is some extenuating circumstances for an individual. No new migrants should be allowed in the country.”

“One sentence will do it, that sentence is, ‘Do not spend Americans tax dollars to process or release into the country any new migrants,’” the Republican said.

“That’s what we have to try to get on every single piece of legislation that we can, and force Joe Biden to do the right,” Jordan exclaimed.

Hannity chimed in with, “So Joe Biden, we know, since he’s been president, by illuminating the policies of Donald Trump that were working, he allowed 8.3 million people now crossing that border, all pretty much unvented, including some very hostile regimes towards this country.”

“Didn’t Joe Biden take an oath to uphold the laws of our land, our constitution, every law based on that document? Is the president now allowed to just pick and choose what laws he will enforce? Is a president allowed to aid and abet in lawbreaking by offering free transportation? Are governors allowed to offer free health care like now being offered in states like California, forcing taxpayers to pay for people that entered the country illegally? Is that now our future?” he asked Jordan.

To which, Jordan replied, “You are exactly right. When Joe Biden took the oath of office on January 20, 2021, he was supposed to go enforce the law. When he did that very day’s issue a number executive orders and change policy.”

“He said no more building the wall, no more remain in Mexico while we evaluate and asylum-seekers claim, and he said that once you come to the country, you will be released to wherever you want to go, all across the nation,” Jordan said.

“People are going. That’s why I think the American people know that this is deliberate. This is willful, this is purposeful. He was determined to do this, and the country understands just how wrong it is,” the GOP leader added.

“That’s why I think you are seeing the 80% polling numbers that show something has to be done. What I think has to be done if he’s not going to pass the bill, then we should do that one sentence and put it on legislation,” Jordan concluded.


Internet backs Jim Jordan’s remarks against Joe Biden

Many X users shared their opinions on the topic and backed Jim Jordan’s statements against Joe Biden on the border crisis.

One person wrote, “We need industrial level bounty and deportation program and an African location dumping ground,” while another added, “#JoeBiden borders crisis are becoming worst. Such massive numbers of illegal migrants will put US 🇺🇸 security and sovereignty into danger. This must be resolved on top priority.”



An X user simply slammed Biden, “Impeach him!” while another shared a similar view, “And he’ll (like usual) do nothing.”



One person expressed their frustration and wrote, “How outrageous! Why is this allowed to continue. How will we support all of these people? They are getting better benefits than our Veterans, and that is disgraceful.”


Another wrote, “I believe the damage done is already irreversible.”


This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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