Son accused of drowning dad in baptism-style execution 3 years ago to drive away ‘Dirty Dan’ demon

Jack Callahan: Son accused of drowning father in baptism-style execution 3 years ago to allegedly drive away ‘Dirty Dan’ demon
Jack Callahan was arrested for his 57-year-old father Scott's murder (McNamara Sparrell Funeral Home, Wendy Callahan/Facebook)

Warning: This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some, readers’ discretion advised

DUXBURY, MASSACHUSETTS: A Massachusetts man is on trial after purportedly drowning his father in a pond, in a baptism-style execution three years ago, believing that his father was possessed. 

Jack Callahan, aged 22, stood trial last week for the atrocious act and is accused of murdering his father, Scott Callahan, who held the position of Senior Vice President at Texas Capital Bank, in June 2021.

What did Jack Callahan report to the police?

The then 19-year-old Jack's mother, Wendy, contacted the police, expressing concerns about her son's mental state, and reported her ex-husband as missing.

Upon arrival, the police found Jack in a state of distress, hyperventilating, and fainting. An ambulance was called to the scene.

Jack informed the authorities that his father had assaulted him and that he was unaware of his father's whereabouts, stating, "He's missing. I don't know what happened. I blacked out."

Eventually, Jack guided the police to Crooker Memorial Park, where they discovered Scott in Island Creek Pond, as per Daily Mail.

Jack explained to the officers that he believed his father, a banker, was possessed by a demon named 'Dirty Dan' and thought he could be cleansed through baptism.

While bringing his father home from a Boston bar, Jack's mother called to inform him that she did not want her ex-husband in their house. Consequently, Jack requested the cab driver to stop by the pond.

He then submerged his father's head underwater multiple times, stating to the police, "I left him there to decide, you can come to heaven with me or hell. I think he chose hell."

Scott Callahan's obituary revealed that he held the position of Senior Vice President at Texas Capital Bank and had a distinguished career in finance.

Before the incident, he had sought treatment for alcoholism at a facility in Hopkinton but discharged himself and went to a bar in Boston.

According to Jack, the altercation between him and his father occurred when he asked the Uber driver to stop at around midnight to return to their $1.5 million home in Duxbury.

Reportedly, Callahan submerged his father's head in the water around four to eight times until the elder man started coughing and choking, leading the son to pull him out of the water.

Police officers administered CPR to the Colorado State University graduate before transporting him to Plymouth's Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital, where he was later pronounced dead.

(Boston news/screengrab)
Eventually, Jack guided the police to Crooker Memorial Park, where they discovered Scott in Island Creek Pond (Boston news/screengrab)

What happened in the courtroom?

The next day, the teenager was apprehended, and in court, tears streamed down his face as he entered a plea of not guilty during his initial hearing in 2021.

Kevin Reddington, Callahan's attorney, urged the judge to transfer the teenager to Bridgewater State Hospital for a mental health assessment, cautioning that he posed a risk to himself.

Reddington stated, "He's a very polite young man, He hails from a fantastic family."

Reddington added, "My client was concerned for his father's well-being, knowing he would be drinking despite knowing he shouldn't. He intended to guide him back to where he should be."

Plymouth Assistant District Attorney Shanan Buckingham stated that “the victim had been punching him in the face."

Buckingham said, “He went on to state that in this incident at the pond, he believed he was baptizing his father. He described that he was holding his father in the pond on his back like a baby.” 

Buckingham continued, “He would lift his head up, and then when the father started to fight and strike him, he would push the head back into the water. He did so until his father was no longer struggling and floating.”

During the court proceedings, Callahan's mother revealed that he had been residing with a sibling in Colorado but had to abandon his job in the logging industry due to a back injury before returning to Duxbury to live with her.

Callahan has pleaded not guilty to the murder charge, and the trial is anticipated to span ten days

(Boston news/screengrab)
Jack Callahan has pleaded not guilty to the murder charge, and the trial is anticipated to span ten days
(Boston news/screengrab)

How did the Internet react to Scott Callahan's death?

Following the revelation of the son's murder of his father, numerous individuals provided their viewpoints, according to the New York Post.

One user said, "Maybe the son was sick and tired of dealing with a drunk dad. Alcoholism destroys families. Nobody knows what this family has been through due to the dad's drinking. I think the whole possession story sounds preposterous but maybe mental health issues are a factor. Sad story. No winners." 

Another user claimed, "The “father” has obviously been terrorizing his sons all their lives. Good riddance to him. Sounds to me as though the son finally had a psychotic break. Hope the kids are able to get on with their lives in peace." 

A user wrote, "Alcoholics can ruin families for generations." 

Another user claimed, "he should be in jail, that's at least involuntary manslaughter.  he killed his father.  he'll do his time and has to live with the fact that he killed his father.  im confused, should he not be in jail?" 

One user wrote, "Sounds legit to me. I've met Dirty Dan and he is NOT a nice guy. Let the kid go. Every prosecutor in NyC would."

This article contains remarks made on the internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online

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