'James is corrupt': Internet divided as Sean Hannity says Letitia James should be disbarred for targeting Trump Organization

'James is corrupt': Internet divided as Sean Hannity says Letitia James should be disbarred for targeting Trump Organization
New York Attorney General Letitia James is embroiled in controversy for her pursuit of legal action against the Trump Organization (Fox News/Getty)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: New York Attorney General Letitia James has found herself at the center of a storm of controversy as she pursues legal action against the Trump Organization.

Allegations of financial misconduct and fraud have led James to initiate investigations into various aspects of former President Donald Trump's business dealings.

Political motives behind Letitia James' pursuit of Trump organization

However, this aggressive approach has drawn criticism from conservative commentator Sean Hannity, who has gone as far as suggesting that James should be disbarred for her actions.

"We begin to begin tonight with this more chaos out of New York with the state's Attorney General Letitia James just setting a dangerous new precedent to fill her political campaign promise which is to go after one organization the Trump Organization one man Donald Trump one family the Trump family," Hannity remarked.

Hannity's critique stems from James' efforts to hold Trump and his organization accountable, which he sees as driven by political motives rather than a pursuit of justice. He contends that James has "cooked up a bizarre civil case" and enlisted a "far-left New York leftist judge" to rule in her favor.

Sean Hannity's concerns over exorbitant bond and alleged lack of victims 

Hannity argues that James' demand for an unprecedented half-billion-dollar bond from Trump is excessive and sets a troubling precedent. He likened the situation to tactics employed in authoritarian regimes, stating, "Now this is a case straight out of the old Soviet Union."

In Hannity's view, the lack of clear victims in James' case against Trump further underscores his criticism. He points out that the banks allegedly defrauded by the Trump Organization have not complained and have profited from their dealings, thus questioning the necessity of James' legal actions.


However, supporters of Letitia James see her as a fearless advocate for accountability and justice. They argue that her pursuit of legal action against the Trump Organization is essential to uphold the rule of law, regardless of the political ramifications.

They contend that Trump's wealth and status should not exempt him from scrutiny and consequences for any wrongdoing.

As the debate rages on, the internet has become a battleground for conflicting opinions. Social media platforms are filled with impassioned defenses and condemnations of Letitia James, with little room for consensus.

Internet users react to Letitia James' controversial actions

Internet users have been vocal in expressing their opinions on the actions of New York Attorney General Letitia James in her pursuit of legal action against

One user wrote, "James is corrupt and should be disbarred."


Another wrote, "Bigger question. Who’s Next.."


One user wrote, "That precedent already exists for every person in America."


One said, "Sean I can't believe you haven't called for the DOJ to arrest James as an Election denier."


One user commented, "Republicans won't do anything about or play the same game on Democrats."



This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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