Jeremiah Estel Blair: Arizona boy, 19, wh o'planned to kill' parents disappointed they survived shooting

Jeremiah Estel Blair: Arizona boy, 19, who 'planned for years to kill' his parents disappointed they survived shooting
Jeremiah Estel Blair was charged with attempted murder (Chandler PD)

Warning: This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some, readers’ discretion advised.

CHANDLER, ARIZONA: In a chilling turn of events, 19-year-old Jeremiah Estel Blair of Arizona, stands accused of attempting to murder his own parents.

Authorities reveal that Blair, “upset over his upbringing” allegedly "had been planning for years to kill [the victims]". Shockingly, his meticulously planned attack unfolded just hours after the Mother's Day ended, Monday, May 13, reported Fox.

Armed Jeremiah Estel Blair lay in wait for his parents

The horrific incident transpired within the family's home in Chandler, where Blair reportedly lay in wait for his unsuspecting parents. 

Armed with a gun and a video camera to document his heinous act, Blair confronted his father when he came downstairs around 5.30 am, with the ominous declaration, "this day coming," before shooting him in the forearm, AZ Family and the Arizona Republic reported. 

Jeremiah Estel Blair disappointed over failed attempted matricide and patricide

As chaos ensued, Blair's father ran back to the bedroom but his mother rushed to the scene, only to be met with a gunshot wound to the chest. Miraculously, both parents survived the brutal assault and were rushed to the hospital for treatment of their wounds.

Despite his meticulous planning, the teen expressed disappointment that they had not succumbed to his attack. “Defendant showed remorse for the fact that his parents will live,” court documents noted, per source. “Defendant knew [his] actions [were] wrong, but still attempted to shoot and kill his parents.”

Insights into sinister plot behind shooting

The twisted young man, apprehended without resistance at the scene, promptly confessed to the shooting, indicating that the act had been years in the making. He also lamented about his upbringing.

“[Blair] reported being upset over his upbringing and he felt he was not treated as he should have been as a child,” said Chandler police detectives as reported by the station. “[Blair] stated he had been planning for years to kill [the victims].”

Authorities have stated that Blair is charged with two counts of first-degree attempted murder and is currently detained in custody.

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