Joe Biden asks West Point graduates to 'hold fast' to oath amid global turmoil, Internet says 'messed up teleprompter again'

Joe Biden asks West Point graduates to 'hold fast' to oath amid global turmoil, Internet says 'messed up teleprompter again'
President Joe Biden advised US Military Academy graduates to uphold their moral principles (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: Amid dangers and unrest throughout the world, President Joe Biden advised US Military Academy graduates on Saturday, May 25, to uphold their moral principles, as per The Hill.

Biden said, "Hold fast to your values that you learned here at West Point." The oath they swore on their first day at West Point would have to be upheld, he added. 

The oath was taken to 'not a political party, not to a president, but to the Constitution of the United States of America, against all enemies, foreign and domestic'.

Joe Biden advises West Point cadets to uphold their moral principles

According to The Associated Press, Biden stated that the class motto was appropriate for the types of difficulties that the incoming Army personnel will encounter, such as aiding Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, assisting assistance efforts in Gaza, and protecting Israel from Iran.

He said, "There’s never been a time in history when we’ve asked our military to do so many different things in some many different places around the world, all at the same time."


Notably, in contrast to when former President Trump gave the graduation speech at West Point in 2020 and was greeted with criticism, many of Biden's remarks were warmly received by the audience.

Moreover, a few weeks before his speech, Trump posed for pictures at St John's Episcopal Church with former defense secretary Mark Esper and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen Mark Milley.

(Getty Images)
During the speech, Joe Biden continued to warn about the impending election and emphasized the value of democracy (Getty Images)

George Floyd protestors were forcibly removed by law officers so that Trump and associates could make their way to the church. 2020 grads sent a letter pleading with them to uphold their oaths.

In line with Biden's statements from Saturday, the letter stated, "We pledge service to no monarch; no government; no political party; no tyrant. Your oath is to a set of principles and an ideal expressed in the Constitution and its amendments."

Notably, during his speech, Biden did not address Trump; instead, he continued to warn about the impending election and emphasized the value of democracy.

He said, "Nothing is guaranteed about our democracy in America. Every generation has an obligation to defend it, to protect it, to preserve it, to choose it. Now it’s your turn."

Internet takes jibes at Joe Biden after his advise to US Military Academy graduates

Several internet users trolled Joe Biden as he advised US Military Academy graduates to uphold their moral principles. A user wrote on X, "Gotta be rough to give a speech right after another failed escape from a country we shouldn't have been in," while one added, "I didn't see one Cadet shake the old mans hand."



A person also stated, "Many of those threats and turmoil were caused by the Biden administration," whereas one mentioned, "But it came out as 'Shvfukl gkhgdz pjgfss ohtdsz'."



A user also wrote, "He also had a moment when he started to tell another one of his stories and got awkwardly silent like he was confused. Messed up the teleprompter again by saying a quote and then read 'end of quote'." Another added, "And again read "end of quote". This guy is a danger to not only America but the world."




This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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