Joe Biden slammed as Sean Hannity shares POTUS’ old clip where he called for prosecution of 'those who defy congressional subpoena'

Joe Biden slammed as Sean Hannity shares POTUS’ old clip where he called for prosecution of 'those who defy congressional subpoena'
Sean Hannity reported on Joe Biden’s old clip claiming to prosecute those who defy a congressional subpoena (@entertainmenttonight/YouTube, @potus/Instagram)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: After Hunter Biden declined to adhere to a congressional subpoena for a closed-door deposition from the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday, an old video clip of Joe Biden resurfaced, garnering widespread attention.

In the video, a reporter questions Biden about his position on individuals who refuse to comply with congressional subpoenas.

This came after Hunter Biden demanded for a public testimony and gave a press conference at US Capitol Hill revealing that his father, Joe Biden was “not financially involved” in his business dealings.

He said, “I’m here today to make sure the House Committee’s illegitimate investigations of my family do not proceed on distortions, manipulated evidence, and lies.”

However, Hunter did not show up to his hearing.

Following this news, Fox News host Sean Hannity took to X (formerly Twitter) to slam Joe and share this with his followers.

Apparently, the internet also took a brutal jab at POTUS as several X users also blasted him.

Sean Hannity reports on Joe Biden’s old clip

Fox News host Sean Hannity took to X and wrote, “FLASHBACK: Joe Says Anyone Who Defies Congressional Subpoena Should Be Prosecuted [WATCH]. BIDEN: “I hope that the committee goes after them and holds them accountable."


Hannity’s tweet also featured an article from his official website titled, “FLASHBACK: Joe Says Anyone Who Defies Congressional Subpoena Should Be Prosecuted [WATCH].”

In the article, Hannity posted Joe Biden’s old clip where a reporter questioned POTUS what should happen to people who defy congressional subpoenas.

The reporter asked, “Do you have a message to people who defy congressional subpoenas on the January 6th committee?”

Biden responded, ‘I hope that the committee goes after them and holds them accountable.”

The reporter again asked, “Do you think they should be prosecuted by the Justice Department?”

POTUS said, “I do, yeah.”

Internet slam Joe Biden after Sean Hannity reports on his old clip

After Sean Hannity reported on Joe Biden’s old clip claiming to prosecute those who defy a congressional subpoena, many X users blasted POTUS.

One person wrote reflecting back to Biden’s statement, “Unless their last name is Biden,” and another wrote, “As usual. Rules for thee and rules for me.”



An X user simply slammed Biden, “Well they better go get Hunter & prosecute! Joe Biden’s words, not mine!” 

Another said, “Unless it's my son..hypocrites!”



One more person called out Joe, “Too bad they only mean to apply these standards one way or another.”


“He meant to say anyone outside his family, close friends, associates, and fellow Democrats,” said another X user.


This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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