'They promised him jello': Biden trolled as he rebukes reporter for asking multiple questions and complains press 'never keep the deal'

'They promised him jello': Biden trolled as he rebukes reporter for asking multiple questions and complains press 'never keep the deal'
President Joe Biden expressed frustration with the White House press corps during a press conference on Thursday, May 23 (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: President Joe Biden expressed frustration with the White House press corps during a joint press conference with Kenyan President William Ruto on Thursday, May 23. The incident unfolded when a journalist asked a second question, prompting Biden to criticize reporters for not adhering to agreed-upon protocols.

Throughout the 32-minute event, the 81-year-old Biden appeared confused and irritated multiple times. Notably, he mistakenly referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as “President Kamala Harris” — a slip he has made at least eight times previously.

The exchange with Michael Wilner

The exchange began when Michael Wilner, McClatchy newspaper chain’s chief Washington correspondent, posed his questions. Wilner, one of two US journalists selected to ask questions at the “2:2” press conference, began with, “Thank you, Mr President. Two questions, if I may.”

Biden immediately responded, “No, one!” — which elicited laughter from the audience, who initially thought he was joking. Wilner proceeded with his first question about US-supported peacekeeping efforts in Haiti, a topic expected to be addressed, as Kenya is contributing troops to this mission.


When Wilner attempted to ask his second question concerning a pending arrest warrant application against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu filed by International Criminal Court (ICC) chief prosecutor Karim Khan, Biden interrupted him, saying, “One question. I’ll answer your question,” and then read a scripted response on Haiti.

Typically, the White House press office has some idea of what journalists will ask during such events, based on their recent history of questions or direct inquiries by press officers. Wilner, known for frequently covering Haiti-related news due to the Miami Herald’s interest, politely defied Biden’s one-question rule when given time to ask his question of President Ruto.

“I do very briefly have a question,” Wilner calmly continued, before adding, “On whether the United States has any evidence at all that would substantiate the ICC prosecutor’s specific allegations against Israeli leaders that they are using starvation as a tactic of war in Gaza — or exculpatory evidence, for that matter.”

Wilner asked the President “If you would commit to releasing that information before any potential issuance of ICC arrest warrants?”

Biden responded with visible displeasure, “Look, we made my position known on ICC. You guys never keep the deal — but that’s OK,” reiterating the US stance on the ICC’s jurisdiction.

“You know, we’ve made our position clear on the ICC,” he added. “We don’t think — we don’t recognize the jurisdiction, ICC, the way it’s been exercised. And it’s that simple. We don’t think there’s an equivalence between what Israel did and what Hamas did.”



Biden’s performance drew attention for several reasons, including apparent confusion. He mistakenly referred to Kamala Harris as the “nation’s first Black vice president, president Kamala Harris.”

Additionally, in response to a question from a Kenyan reporter about US troop deployment in Haiti, Biden erroneously claimed American troops were serving in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a deployment not publicly known.

“We’re kind of occupied around the world, but we’re also engaged in Congo, in the neighborhood, and you know, we’ll continue to help mitigate human suffering there,” Biden claimed.

At one point, Biden lost his train of thought, asking, “What was my question?” to The Grio’s April Ryan, who had asked about US efforts to combat a powerful Haitian gang.

Before the fourth reporter was selected, Biden asked President Ruto, “That it?” adding to the perception of his confusion, the New York Post reported.

Joe Biden mocked on social media

Social media quickly lit with reactions to Biden’s comments and overall demeanor. On X, users mocked the President's reference to a “deal” with the press corps.

"Umm ... what deal?" one social media posted on X.

"They promised him jello," another quipped.

"Is he saying he had a deal with the press? The man is out to lunch," someone else chimed in.

"Saying the quiet part out loud," a comment read.

"I caught ten minutes of this live. It was embarrassing to say the least. His meds must have worn off or they save them for really important engagements so they don’t burn him out. I don’t see him making it to the election," someone else added.






This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online. 

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