John Oliver compares first Trump term to 'hamster in attack helicopter', warns next could be much worse

John Oliver compares Trump's first term to 'hamster in attack helicopter', warns his second term could be 'much worse'
John Oliver used his social media platform to warn viewers about the potential dangers of a second Donald Trump term (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: As the 2024 presidential election approaches, John Oliver is using his platform to warn viewers about the potential dangers of a second Donald Trump term.

On Sunday’s episode of 'Last Week Tonight', Oliver vividly compared Trump’s chaotic first term to a "hamster in an attack helicopter," humorously capturing the former president's erratic leadership style.

NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 07:  John Oliver attends the 11th Annual Stand Up for Heroes Event presented
John Oliver (Getty Images)

John Oliver compares Donald Trump to 'a hamster in attack helicopter'

"Trump as president was sort of like a hamster in an attack helicopter,” Oliver joked. “Sure, he wants to bathe the world in blood and terror; he wants it with his whole rotten hamster heart. But luckily, he doesn’t know what buttons to press and his brain's the size of a peanut, so that puts some hard limits on the damage he's actually able to do.”

“This time, though, Trump will have a lot more help,” added the host. However, Oliver's critique didn't stop there. 

(Getty Images)
Donald Trump (Getty Images)

John Oliver unpacks conservatives' 'Project 2025'

He highlighted Project 2025, a comprehensive plan devised by over 100 conservative organizations, ready to aid Trump if he wins re-election. He humorously described the group as “Rodeo Clowns for Trump, The Center for Ruining Thanksgiving, The Marriage is Between a Man and His Property Institute,” adding levity to a serious topic.

The plan also includes a networking site for potential Trump appointees, which Oliver dubbed “a conservative LinkedIn.” “It’s essentially an open audition for people who might want a new job because their lost their old one on January 6 for some reason,” per MSN.

John Oliver warns Donald Trump's second term promises to be 'far worse'

Oliver then detailed the drastic proposals within Project 2025, such as dismantling the FBI and Head Start Program, before delivering a stark warning: “And for anyone tempted to think, ‘Well, we survived Trump's first term,’ first, not everyone did.”

“It should hopefully be very clear by now that a second Trump term really does promise to be far, far worse. Because if Trump's first term was defined by chaos, his second could be defined by ruthless efficiency, and that should be troubling to absolutely everyone," he concluded.

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