John Oliver mocks 'anti-LGBT bigot' Mike Johnson for sharing porn-accountability app with son

John Oliver mocks 'anti-LGBT bigot' Mike Johnson for sharing porn-accountability app with son
John Oliver called out House Speaker Mike Johnson for sharing a porn-accountability app with his son (Last Week Tonight/Youtube, @speakermjohnson/Instagram)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: TV host and comedian John Oliver has attacked House Speaker Mike Johnson over latest reports of him sharing an online porn-accountability app with his teenage son.

Oliver brought up the issue in his latest episode of the show 'Last Week Tonight.'

With the reports of Johnson and his son sharing internet activity, Oliver said, "It's too late. He's already speaker. For all of the fear of a second Trump term, it's worth remembering our current speaker of the House is an anti-LGBT bigot, who believes in more accountability for his son's search engine history than he does for the people who tried to overthrow the government."


The House speaker faced a backlash recently for his anti-LGBTQ views in a campaign email he sent, where he expressed concerns about the rising number of high school students identifying as LGBTQ.

The 51-year-old lawmaker who describes himself as a "Bible-believing Christian" is seen as one of the extreme anti-LGBTQ Republicans.

Mike Johnson unlikely to moderate his extreme views, says John Oliver

Oliver said that all hopes of the lawmaker moderating his views are gone with the latest news.

"If there was any hope Johnson might moderate his views now that he's a speaker, that is gone. And because there was so little vetting of Johnson before he became speaker, we kept discovering new unsettling facts about him."

(Speaker Mike Johnson/Youtube)
John Oliver accused that Mike Johnson might be watching inappropriate content (Speaker Mike Johnson/Youtube)

He also mentioned Johnson's latest award from the National Association of Christian Lawmakers "for Christian honor and courage."

He added that the Congressman might also be watching porn if his son was watching it.

"If Mike Johnson's son is watching this, I'm really sorry. Your dad seems like a lot. And if he is watching this online, then I guess Mike probably is, too. Hi Mike! You must've gotten that alert after we showed the picture of the camel."


John Oliver thinks it is not ideal for Mike Johnson to have such an app on the phone

The host also pointed out that such an app must not be suitable for national security when it is on the phone of a powerful Congressman.

"While this is very fun, a few things. First, it's probably not ideal for national security if a guy second in line to the presidency has that app on his phone. But also, the stuff that people are now unearthing about Mike Johnson extends beyond the personal," he said.

Mike Johnson is thanked by his adopted son for being there for him (@speakermjohnson/Instagram)
John Oliver critisized Mike Johnson for keeping the accountability app on his phone (@speakermjohnson/Instagram)

Oliver also mentioned Johnson promoting a book by a right-wing blogger.

"He can't blur his views and hope no one notices because much like his son, we're unfortunately now all watching him," Oliver concluded.

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