Jonathan Bailey shares moving fan mail while promoting 'Fellow Travelers' with Matt Bomer on 'The View'

Jonathan Bailey shares moving fan mail while promoting 'Fellow Travelers' with Matt Bomer on 'The View'
Matt Bomer and Jonathan Bailey forged a special bond while filming 'Fellow Travelers' (Screengrab/The View/X)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Jonathan Bailey and Matt Bomer appeared as guests on the December 7 episode of 'The View' to talk about their miniseries 'Fellow Travelers.'

Joy Behar mentions at the beginning of a clip posted on X that the show "tells the love story of two men who are political staffers in DC over the span of four decades, from the '50s to the '80s. Part of the show was about Senator McCarthy… Joseph McCarthy, who was just a nightmare ruining everybody's life."

For the protagonists of the historical miniseries, the specific nightmare is the well-documented 'Lavender Scare'.

As Bomer explains, "In 1953, Sen. McCarthy and Roy Cohn convinced President Eisenhower to enact an executive order that banned all LGBTQ people from government positions."

"It turned into a massive witch hunt, an estimated 10,000 people lost their jobs, multiple people committed suicide. It was a very dark chapter in our history."


Jonathan Bailey reads 'grounding' fan mail on 'The View'

When host Sunny Hostin asks Bailey if he had heard back from audiences about the impact the show had on them, the actor says that he did and that it was very "grounding."

He proceeds to read out a fan mail that he received, changing the name of the sender in order to maintain their anonymity.

"The likelihood of you seeing this is non-existent, so I can be entirely honest," opens the letter.

"As the daughter of a man who lived a heterosexual life but loved another man for almost 40 years, (the series) has brought me unbearable pain but also somewhat an optimistic closure."

"I just wanted to tell you that your incredible work inspires people and heals lives," he continues to read.

"I've even written a poem about 'Fellow Travelers.' Yes, it is rough around the edges, but it is heartfelt and I'm a clinical researcher, not a poet."

"My dad's name was Gregory, and he left this world 20 years ago. Thank you, Johnny," concludes the mail.

Matt Bomer and Jonathan Bailey formed deep bond while working together

"Matt is someone who I looked up to because he has been riding a wave to progress for years in the way he has conducted his professional and personal lives, so to be boogie boarding alongside him on that wave now is lovely," states Bailey about his co-star.

"I can't even do press without Johnny anymore," claims Bomer in reply, "Like we have to do every job together."

Talking of the filming experience, he adds, "It is such a unique thing… four decades of a relationship together. And to have to have intimacy scenes and commit so much to a lot of the work we did… It was just a unique and profound experience."

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