'Just like he did with Afghanistan': Internet shreds Joe Biden for claiming 'we leave no veteran behind'

'Just like he did with Afghanistan': Internet shreds Joe Biden for claiming 'we leave no veteran behind'
Critics argue that Joe Biden's words do not reflect the reality faced by many veterans (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: President Joe Biden's proclamation, "In America, we leave no veteran behind," on X (formerly Twitter) on Wednesday, May 22, has sparked an intense backlash from veterans, political figures, and citizens alike.

Critics argue that Biden's words do not reflect the reality faced by many veterans who feel neglected both during and after their service.

Veterans and advocates voice discontent

A chorus of discontent has arisen among veterans and their advocates who highlight numerous instances where they believe American servicemen and women were indeed left behind.


Representative Cory Mills (R-Fla), an Army veteran, was particularly vocal in his criticism. “Clearly the Americans in Afghanistan, the 255 from Israel, and the 23 from Haiti would strongly disagree with this statement given his pattern of abandonment,” Mills told the New York Post.

Lt Col Stuart Scheller, author of 'Crisis in Command,' echoed these sentiments. “Why leave veterans behind when they can be used as steps for those at the top? Gratitude stings in the wounds of sacrifices when the organization refuses to evolve,” said Scheller, who was relieved of his duties in August 2021 after criticizing the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Chad Robichaux, a Marine veteran who led a significant private evacuation from Afghanistan, was blunt in his response. “With all due respect EFFF NO," Robichaux told the Post.

The chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021 remains a focal point of the criticism directed at President Biden.

Rep Brian Mast (R-Fla), who lost his legs in Afghanistan, pointedly remarked, “Joe Biden abandoned 13 American soldiers in Afghanistan and then sent MILLIONS of YOUR tax dollars to the Taliban, who is harboring their killers.”


The tragic loss of 13 service members in an ISIS-K suicide bombing at Kabul’s international airport during the withdrawal has not been forgotten. Images of Biden ostensibly checking his watch during the dignified transfer ceremony for these fallen soldiers at Dover Air Force Base further fueled the outrage.

Jeremy Redfern, press secretary for Florida Gov Ron DeSantis, shared this image on social media:


Domestic challenges: Veterans’ care and homelessness

While foreign policy missteps are a significant part of the criticism, domestic issues concerning veterans' care and homelessness also feature prominently. John Hasson of Townhall pointed out the plight of Paul Whelan, a US Marine detained in Russia, who many feel has been abandoned.

“A US Marine has languished in a Russian gulag for years because Biden traded for a WNBA player instead,” Hasson wrote.


House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas) joined the fray, stating, “Another outrageously disrespectful, false statement from @POTUS. When your administration left Afghanistan, it left nearly 1,000 Americans and many more of our allies behind. Our veterans and Gold Star Families see through this. Every American sees through this.”


Progressive pundit Kyle Kulinski added, “There’s 35,574 homeless veterans,” citing Department of Veterans Affairs figures to underscore the ongoing crisis of veteran homelessness.


Despite the criticism, President Biden has consistently touted his commitment to veterans, often citing his late son Beau Biden’s service and his death from brain cancer, which Biden believes was linked to burn pit exposure.

This week, Biden participated in events promoting the PACT Act, nearing its second anniversary, which provides funding to support veterans exposed to hazardous substances during their service.

During an event in Nashua, New Hampshire, marking the 1 millionth claim under the PACT Act, Biden stated, “Veterans, you are the solid steel spine of our nation, and that’s not hyperbole. Just as you have done your duty to America in the past, we’re now, finally, beginning to do our duty to you.”


Joe Biden slammed on social media for his statement

Social media erupted with criticism following Biden's statement. Users pointed out discrepancies between his words and the lived experiences of many veterans.

"Oh, please! Biden saying 'We leave no veteran behind' is a complete joke. It's infuriating to hear these empty words when countless veterans are left struggling, neglected, and forgotten," one posted on X.

"Tell that to all the homeless veterans who are being left behind in order take care of ‘undocumented migrants’ instead," another wrote.

"Just like he did with Afghanistan..?" someone else asked.

"Lying once again," another alleged.






This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online. 

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