Internet mocks Bill Maher as he shares clip to highlight 'origin story' of his 'feud With Trump'

'Lives in your mind rent free': Internet mocks Bill Maher as he shares clip to highlight 'origin story' of his 'feud With Trump'
Fans ask Bill Maher to 'take a break from trump hate' (Getty Images)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Bill Maher is back with another snippet from his stand-up comdey as his new Instagram post captioned, '#FeudwithTrump #OriginStory' suggests. 

On Januray 6, Maher took the stage to highlight the 'origin story' of his 'Feud With Trump'. 

A snapshot from Bill Maher's latest stand-up highlighting 'the origin story' (@billmaher/Instgram)

'Donald Trump thinks we have a feud'

The video showed Maher saying, "Of all the racists, I think, in the Republican Party, you know who the worst one is? Donald Trump and I'll tell you why"

"Donald Trump sued me last year for $5 million. Do you know that? Yes. And here's how this came about. Donald Trump thinks we have a feud because he won't do my show. I could give a fuck about more on did my show. We have a fued because he became a presidential you're on my turf. And not just a presidential candidate; a one-issue candidate- all about how Obama was illegitimate as a president sending his investigators to Hawaii who were finding amazing things". Maher continued. 

He further added, "Anyway, so after Obama releases his long-form birth certificate, Trump goes to, well now "I want to see his college records". You know, because a black guy getting into college, something fishy about that, all right. So he offers the President of the United States, real class, five million dollars to release his college record. So I offered Donald Trump, yes, on the air, five million dollars, if he could prove that he was not the love child of his mother and an orange-haired orangutan". 

'Find someone as obsessed with you as Bill Maher is with Trump'

Netizens reacted to Maher constant Trump-bickering writing on the comment section, "Obsessed with trump 😂😂😂😂".

'Obsessed with trump' (@billmaher/Instgram)
'I wonder why all of the sudden you’re posting all of these anti-Republican anti-Trump clips. Hmm' (@billmaher/Instgram)

"I wonder why all of the sudden you’re posting all of these anti-Republican anti-Trump clips. Hmm 🤔".

"You can’t say “trump thinks we have a feud” when you’re doing a whole bit about trump in your sketch. Trump’s never even mentioned Bill. Lol! 🤣

This is why I always keep BM at arms length - sometimes he says stuff I agree with, but then he always regresses to his true, leftist self…"

'You can’t say “trump thinks we have a feud”' (@billmaher/Instgram)

"@billmaher trump lives in your mind rent free".

'trump lives in your mind rent free' (@billmaher/Instgram)
'Find someone as obsessed with you as @billmaher is with Trump' (@billmaher/Instgram)

"Find someone as obsessed with you as @billmaher is with Trump 😂".

Bill Maher, the host of HBO's 'Real Time', has been a frequent critic of former President Donald Trump. 

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