Liz Cheney shredded as Laura Ingraham slams her 'voting for Donald Trump means last election in US' remark

Liz Cheney called 'vindictive' after Laura Ingraham slams her 'voting for Donald Trump means last election in US' remark
Laura Ingraham took a brutal jab at Liz Cheney over her stance on Donald Trump (@ingrahamradio/Instagram, @today/YouTube, Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Former Representative Liz Cheney recently issued a stark caution on Monday, December 4, to individuals considering voting for Donald Trump.

She suggests that if the ex-president were to return to the White House, it might pose a threat to the future of democratic elections in the nation.

Following Cheney’s remarks against Trump, Fox News host Laura Ingraham took a brutal jab at the former congresswoman, calling her out by taking to X (formerly Twitter).

Unsurprisingly, several netizens supported Ingraham's bashing of Cheney while sharing their own perspectives about the situation. 

Laura Ingraham calls out Liz Cheney's remarks about Donald Trump

Fox News host Laura Ingraham took to X (formerly Twitter)  and wrote, "I want Cheney to get more questions about how Trump is going to end elections. Is he going to send out a tweet? Does he have a hidden army we’ve never seen? What on earth is she thinking?"


Ingraham’s post featured an article from The Hill titled, "Cheney warns that a vote for Trump ‘may mean the last election that you ever get to vote in’."

In the article, it was highlighted that the former congresswoman has given a warning to those planning to vote for Trump during her appearance on the ‘Today’ show with NBC host Savannah Guthrie.

On the show, Cheney said, "I hope that there are options and alternatives that reflect the important challenges that we’re facing, and that reflect leadership to meet those challenges, but that choice can never be Donald Trump because a vote for Donald Trump may mean the last election that you ever get to vote in."

She continued, "And again, I don’t say that lightly, and I think it’s heartbreaking that that’s where we are, but people have to recognize that a vote for Donald Trump is a vote against the Constitution."

Cheney, a consistent critic of Trump, has been actively promoting her upcoming book, 'Oath and Honor: A Memoir and a Warning', which delves into the condition of the Republican Party and its handling of the January 6, 2021, Capitol insurrection.

WASHINGTON, DC - DECEMBER 10: Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) speaks during a news conference with fellow Hou
Liz Cheney asserted that she will 'make sure that Donald Trump is defeated in 2024' (Getty Images)

On Monday, she reiterated her firm stance, stating that she "will never vote for Donald Trump" and "will do whatever it takes to make sure that Donald Trump is defeated in 2024."

She also asserted that “there’s no question” in her mind that if reelected, Trump would refuse to vacate the White House at the conclusion of his second four-year term.

"He’s already attempted to seize power, and he was stopped, thankfully, and for the good of the nation and the republic. But he said he will do it again. He’s expressed no remorse for what he did," further noted 

She also expressed that the possibility of Trump becoming a dictator is "a very, very real threat and concern" if he were to secure victory in the White House.

Cheney expressed, "I don’t say any of that lightly. And frankly, it’s painful for me as someone who you know, has spent their whole life in Republican politics, who grew up as Republican to watch what’s happening to my party."

"And to watch the extent to which Donald Trump himself has, you know, basically determined that that the only thing that matters is him his power, his success," added the attorney. 


Internet slams Liz Cheney over her remarks about Donald Trump attaining office for a second term

After Laura Ingraham took a brutal jab at Liz Cheney for her warning against Donald Trump, several netizens took to slamming the former congresswoman.

WASHINGTON, DC - JULY 21: U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) speaks during a news conference with other Rep
Liz Cheney was called a 'bitter woman' over her stance on Donald Trump (Getty Images)

One wrote, "Liz will say or do anything to try to become relevant again, She's stuck in the Wyoming wilderness with only her warmonger old man to talk to. She will never again be relevant and it's killing her."

Another claimed, "She's a liar. Nothing more.  And, she knows it," while a person added, "She's a vindictive, nasty, bitter woman.  She even smears the American People."

Someone else said, "She certainly went off the rails pretty quick. What a mess!" 

"She’s just a fear monger democrat," expressed another netizen. 






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