'Long shot!' Trump adviser Peter Navarro slammed after he asks Supreme Court to let him avoid prison

'Long shot!' Trump adviser Peter Navarro slammed after he asks Supreme Court to let him avoid prison
Donald Trump's adviser Peter Navarro was sentenced to prison following his conviction for defying a congressional subpoena (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: After being found guilty of ignoring a congressional subpoena and being sentenced to four months in jail, Peter Navarro, a Donald Trump advisor, has requested the Supreme Court to step in. This request comes after a federal appeals court denied his request to stay the four-month sentence, according to NBC News.

Navarro's attorneys claim that his case is "the first time in our nation's history" that "a senior presidential advisor has been found guilty of contempt of Congress after asserting executive privilege over a congressional subpoena", in an emergency motion that was submitted to the Supreme Court late on March 15. In February 2022, the House Jan 6 committee issued the subpoena.

Peter Navarro asks Supreme Court to keep him out of prison

The Justice Department is required by the Supreme Court to reply to Navarro's filing by Monday, March 18 at 2 pm. He has been told to show himself at a Miami-based Bureau of Prisons facility by 2 pm on Tuesday, March 19.

Notably, on March 14, a three-judge bench declared that Navarro had, "not shown that his appeal presents substantial questions of law or fact likely to result in reversal, a new trial, a sentence that does not include a term of imprisonment or a reduced sentence of imprisonment that is less than the amount of time already served plus the expected duration of the appeal process."

WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 22: Peter Navarro, Director of the National Trade Council, speaks at the dail
Peter Navarro was subpoenaed by the committee on January 6 and declined to submit documents or evidence (Getty Images)

Meanwhile, Navarro, an election denier who supported Trump's attempts to reverse the previous president's election defeat using long-disproved conspiracy theories, was subpoenaed by the committee on January 6 and declined to submit documents or evidence. September saw his conviction, and January saw his sentencing.

Notably, US District Judge Amit Mehta told Navarro at his sentencing, "You are not a victim. You are not the object of a political prosecution — you aren’t. You have received every process you are due."

Internet slams Peter Navarro for asking Supreme Court to keep him out of prison

Several people on the internet mocked Peter Navarro for asking Supreme Court to keep him out of prison. A user posted on X, "Peter Navarro is asking the SCOTUS to intervene bcuz he knows the majority is corrupt. That although a long shot....maybe" while one added, "Don’t do the crime if…"



user added, "I wanna see him in an orange suit so badly" while one mentioned, "SCOTUS has been reduced to Maga bail bondsman. Pathetic while they are wearing their robe."



user also wrote, "Seriously?! Who the F do these people think they are?"


This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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