'Had so much fun': Megyn Kelly shares behind-the-scenes pics from her preparation for fourth GOP debate

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Former Fox News star Megyn Kelly expressed her delight and happiness of having co-moderated the fourth GOP debate in Tuscaloosa, Alabama with Elizabeth Vargas and Eliana Johnson.
The veteran journalist touted the whole experience as “fun” and shared that she was happy to see her family in Tuscaloosa for the debate.
Later, the 52-year-old shared her thoughts about the recently concluded debate and offered her fans an exclusive behind-the-scenes look into her robust and high-octane debate preparations.

Megyn Kelly talks about the fourth GOP Debate
After the debate concluded, Kelly returned to her daily show to let the viewers know about her overall experience of co-moderating the debate.
She said, “I’ve had so much fun this week. I was so happy that I got to bring my family to Tuscaloosa. Doug came with the kids yesterday. They had a lot of thoughts about the debate themselves, and I was actually really impressed with how thoughtful they were on it.”
The former NBC star called the debate a “success” and explained how it turned out to be “an actual debate” between the candidates unlike the previous three.
Sharing her views Kelly said, “I thought the debate was a success because we got to have an actual debate. It’s the first time that’s happened this election cycle. The first debate was a little too big in terms of the number of candidates.”

“The second debate was a hot mess from beginning to end. The third debate was Kristen Welker and Lester Holt doing an interview based on their own thoughts about what matters rather than what the candidates had to say,” she continued.
“So, I thought this was the first debate where they really got to go at it,” Kelly explained.
Kelly also admitted that the “questions were all very charged in a good and challenging way.” She added, “I think you can ask charged questions like that if the audience knows you don’t hate these people.”
“You can get away with very charged questions and pointed questions no matter what, but especially if they know it’s not coming from a negative place,” Kelly concluded.

Megyn Kelly shares behind-the-scenes snaps from fourth GOP Debate
Kelly later decided to offer a peek into what went behind making the debate happen. She shared a snap with other co-moderators, Johnson and Vargas, checking lighting, mics, and earpiece before the big night.
Later she shared a multi-screen shot of a few students standing in for the candidates to help perfect the camera shots, and lighting, among other things.
Kelly also shared a snap of her children looking at her from a distance as she was engrossed in her work.

The news veteran also shared a look inside the glam room just before showtime with her hair and makeup team.
At last, she shared an adorable picture with her good friend and co-moderator Eliana Johnson after the end of the debate.