'As good as a man': Mike Pence slammed as his organization opposes measure to include women in future draft

'As good as a man': Mike Pence slammed as his organization opposes measure to include women in future draft
Former VP Mike Pence's group Advancing American Freedom is urging Republican leaders in Congress to halt a measure in the NDAA that would mandate women to register for a potential military draft (@MegynKelly/YouTube, Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: Former Vice President Mike Pence's group is pressing Republican leaders in Congress to halt a measure in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would mandate women to register for a potential military draft.

"The notion of the United States of America requiring women to register to fight our wars is simply untenable and must be opposed at all costs," Paul Teller, executive director of Advancing American Freedom (AAF), wrote on Wednesday, June 19, to House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La), and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky).

Senate Committee on Armed Services has introduced an amendment to NDAA

Last week, the Senate Committee on Armed Services advanced the NDAA, which now includes an amendment proposing the expansion of selective service registration to encompass women.

"There is simply no good reason to require women to register for the draft absent the complete rejection of logic and defiance of common sense," Teller remarked.

"We oppose this move in the strongest possible terms and urge you and all Republicans to oppose any legislation that results in young women registering with the Selective Service for a possible future draft," the letter continued, as Fox News Digital reports.

Former VP Mike Pence got heavily trolled for 'cringe worthy jokes' during second GOP debate (Fox Business)
Former VP Mike Pence (Fox Business)

The letter was endorsed by over 40 conservative groups and leaders, among them Penny Nance, president and CEO of Concerned Women for America; Terry Schilling, president of the American Principles Project; and Gary Bauer, president of American Values.

The contentious provision did not make it into the NDAA version passed by the Republican-controlled House last week.

This bill, which is not expected to be considered in the Senate, would automatically enroll men aged 18 to 26 in the draft. Johnson's spokesperson informed Fox News Digital that he opposes including a provision for drafting women in the final compromise bill between the House and Senate.

Senate Republicans opposed to inclusion of amendment in 2025 NDAA

Some Senate Republicans have expressed opposition to the amendment's inclusion in the fiscal year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), with Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri stating on X, "Why are the politicians forcing women into the draft? Because Democrats want to eliminate gender completely & turn the military into a social experiment."


"And some Republicans want to draft everybody they can to fight all these wars. Here’s my answer to both: NO," he added.

Sen Mike Lee, a Republican from Utah, expressed his personal disapproval last week by saying on X that the provision would only pass "over my dead body."

Sen. Mike Lee (US Senate)
Sen Mike Lee (US Senate)

Fox News Digital did not receive a response from McConnell's office right away. The Senate Republican leader, who has previously expressed support for extending selective service registration to women, may, nevertheless, disagree with AAF and Johnson on this issue.

"I personally think it would be appropriate for [women] to register just like men do," McConnell made a statement in 2016 that was reported by the New York Times.

"First of all, I don’t anticipate going back to the draft. The professional voluntary Army has been very successful. We’re talking here about registration for Selective Service, should we ever go back to a draft," he explained at the time.

He clarified his position, pointing out that women are currently "performing virtually all types of roles" in the military.

Internet says 'every 18 yo needs to serve 2 years military duty like IDF'

As soon as the news surfaced on Facebook, users started reacting to it. A user said, "Every 18 yo needs to serve 2 years military duty like IDF"

Another user added, "They can fight better then trumpsters."

The third commentator wrote, "Why? Women can fire a gun just as well as a men? A lot of the time better than a man. If men are potentially being forced to fight and possibly die for their country why can’t women be forced to do the same?"

"Women can fly drones and countless other things just as good as a man," one said.

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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