'Morning Joe' host Joe Scarborough says Donald Trump is 'losing his touch' after former POTUS backs Russia in speech at South Carolina rally

'Morning Joe' host Joe Scarborough says Donald Trump is 'losing his touch' after former POTUS backs Russia in speech at South Carolina rally
Joe Scarborough attacked Donald Trump for his speech backing Russia during the February 12, 2024 episode of 'Morning Joe' (Screengrab/MSNBC, Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Joe Scarborough went on an animated rant against former president Donald Trump for his comments at a South Carolina rally on the February 12 episode of 'Morning Joe'.

The host called Trump "desperate" and alleged that the Republican presidential frontrunner was "making up a 'Sir' story" to support Russian President Vladimir Putin and undercut the European allies of the United States. According to Scarborough, the lie was ridiculous even by Trump's standards.

What did Donald Trump say to set off Joe Scarborough?

Speaking at an election rally in Conway, South Carolina, on February 10, Donald Trump stated, "One of the presidents of a big country stood up and said, 'Well Sir, if we don't pay, and we are attacked by Russia, will you protect us?'"

"I said, you didn't pay, you're delinquent? He said, 'Yes. Let's say that happened.' No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them (Russia) to do whatever the hell they want. You gotta pay. You have got to pay your bills," he continued as his supporters bursted into a rousing applause.

Joe Scarborough shreds Donald Trump for his speech supporting Russia

Joe Scarborough slammed the business tycoon from the get-go, saying, "It's just stupid. Like, he is now so desperate to support Vladimir Putin and undercut America's allies in Europe, he's making up a 'Sir' story."

"It's not even a good lie for Donald Trump," continued Scarborough. "Like, this is... you can tell, he's losing it. He is losing his touch."

He went on to compare Trump with a music legend, shockingly, as he said, "This is (like) when Elvis ... he is so fat, he couldn't even get the scarves from around his neck and throw it to the audience. He just kind of sat there, looked down, and sang." Trump's condition was similar to Elvis' when he had "lost all his moves," he claimed.

Highlighting the disbelief in Trump's words, Scarborough mentioned, "It's (such) a story that a third grader would go, 'Why is he lying to me?' And the people in the audience, they can't be that dumb to say, 'Oh...a big country president said Sir? What if we don't...'"

"This guy will do anything to justify defending and supporting Vladimir Putin and getting us - this is the dangerous part - when he is President again, he is getting us ready for him to be an autocrat, a dictator, and a guy who is going to tell Vladimir Putin to sweep in," he added.


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