Mika Brzezinski accuses Ken Paxton of 'mimicking Trump' after he threatened docs in Kate Cox's case

Morning Joe's Mika Brzezinski accuses Ken Paxton of 'mimicking Trump' after he threatened docs in Kate Cox's 'unsettling' case
'Morning Joe' host Mika Brzezinski strongly criticizes Ken Paxton, drawing comparisons with Donald Trump, amid the ongoing abortion case involving Kate Cox (Getty Images, YouTube/MSNBC)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Kate Cox, a woman from Texas who sought an abortion has made the headlines over the last few days after her foetus was diagnosed with trisomy 18, a potentially fatal condition that doctors said threatened her fertility.

In a recent report on the matter, BBC stated that although a lower court had granted approval for an abortion, the Texas Supreme Court revoked that exception on Monday.

Furthermore, the State’s Attorney General, Ken Paxton, issued a threat of criminal prosecution against any doctors or healthcare providers assisting Cox in obtaining an abortion. After these developments, Cox left the state of Texas.

On Monday, ‘Morning Joe’ host Mika Brzezinski took over the segment to brutally slam Paxton in an attempt to spread awareness about Cox’s case, and many others similar to hers.

Mika Brzezinski brutally slams Ken Paxton on ‘Morning Joe’

On ‘Morning Joe,’ host Mika Brzezinski took over as she reported on Kate Cox’s case, and shed light on Ken Paxton.

Brzezinski briefed her viewers on the case first and then said, “Today is Monday, December 11th. Believe it or not, it is 2023, not 1923. That's where we're going to begin this morning. This is an unsettling and all-too-common story.”


She continued, “Once again, an aging, white man facing indictments, is accused of covering up an affair, faced impeachment, and still, his wrecking ball use of political power continues with brutal consequences on the lives of women.”

“Sounds familiar. I'm actually not talking about Donald Trump. This time, it's another far-right Republican who considers it a compliment to be called Trumpy. After all, this man, according to 'Reuters,' tried to sue Joe Biden over 50 times on issues including immigration and gun rights and a ton of other garbage.” said Brzezinski.

Mika Brzezinski urges people to ‘wake the hell up’

Mika Brzezinski then officially introduced Ken Paxton and said, “I'm talking, of course, about Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. Paxton is so desperate to mimic Trump, so desperate for Trump's support, that he led a lawsuit in 2020 to challenge the results of that year's election in Trump's favor."

"The Supreme Court, of course, quickly threw that out. But that's how desperate he is,” she added.

Mika Brzezinski blasts Ken Paxton on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' on Monday (YouTube/MSNBC)
Mika Brzezinski blasts Ken Paxton on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' on Monday (YouTube/MSNBC)

“The man is so desperate to mimic Trump that he behaves in a cruel, brutal fashion, and won't back down until an ill woman is physically and emotionally destroyed,” said the ‘Morning Joe’ host.

She further said, “That woman, Kate Cox, and her health is in danger because of Ken Paxton, who is using laws against abortion…thank you, Donald Trump, Leonard Leo, and many others…to make sure her suffering is the most it can be.”

“We gotta wake up, we need to wake the hell up,” announced Brzezinski to the ‘Morning Joe’ viewers and said, “This country has lost so much already. Women have lost so much. Whether you're a Democrat or a Republican, a man or a woman, please look at the face of this moment in time. Kate Cox could be your daughter, your sister, your wife, you.”

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