Nephiterea Sancho: Texas woman accused of murdering daughter, 6, was found by police running around naked

Nephiterea Sancho: Texas woman accused of murdering daughter, 6, was found by police running around naked at crime scene
Nephiterea Sancho was found by police running around naked (Bexar County)

BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS: A Texas mother has been recently charged with capital murder in the death of her daughter. She was discovered running around naked at the scene, according to People.

36-year-old Nephiterea Sancho was arrested on Wednesday, January 3, and charged with capital murder of a child under 10 in connection with the death of her 6-year-old daughter, Hosanna Sancho, police say, as per NBC news4 Sanantonio.

Hosanna Sancho was found unresponsive

At 3 pm on Wednesday, police were first dispatched to the Frontera Crossing Apartments off Watson Road in San Antonio in response to a disturbance call, according to accounts.

Upon their arrival, they discovered Hosanna unresponsive, with what appeared to be an upper body wound. However, it is unclear how exactly she died.

"There was no gun or gunshot wound to the victim," Sergeant Washington Moscoso said, according to KENS 5 CBS. “The child did die from trauma to the body, just not a gunshot wound.”

Additionally, according to Sgt Moscoso, a woman, later determined to be Nephiterea, was allegedly "running around unclothed at the scene." She was eventually arrested and taken into custody for questioning.

Nephiterea is currently being held on $1 million bond

Nephiterea has reportedly spent time in facilities for the treatment of serious mental illness after being previously detained and charged for injuries to minors, according to People.

Currently, Nephiterea is being held under a $1 million bond. It's unclear right now if she has gotten legal representation or filed a plea. 

Hosanna's family told NBC News 4 San Antonio that she "played the violin, learned how to do the perfect cartwheels, and was teaching her cousins how to do it too. She loved to swim and loved the water. She wanted to be a cheerleader and ride the school bus for the first time, and she never got to do that."

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