Nora Rodgers: Stepmother gets 30 years for abusing 3 children with 'extreme bootcamp-style exercises'

Nora Rodgers: Stepmother gets 30 years in prison for abusing 3 children with 'extreme bootcamp-style exercises'
Nora Rodgers has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for the severe abuse of her three stepchildren (Newton County District Attorney’s Office)

Warning: This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some, readers’ discretion advised.

GEORGIA, UNITED STATES: Nora Rodgers has been incarcerated for subjecting her three stepchildren, aged 6 to 9, to physical abuse, compelling them to undergo "extreme boot camp-style exercises."

The mistreatment resulted in the children becoming malnourished and deficient in physical fitness.

Besides, Rodgers discriminated against these three stepchildren in comparison to her biological children, subjecting them to physical, mental, and emotional abuse.

Additionally, she imposed dietary restrictions on the stepchildren, contributing to the development of certain health conditions.

What did Nora Rodgers do?

(Newton County District Attorney’s Office)
Nora Rodgers, the stepmother, has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for the severe abuse of her three stepchildren (Newton County District Attorney’s Office)

The stepmother has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for the severe abuse of her three stepchildren, which included physical altercations, food deprivation, and the imposition of "bootcamp-style exercises."

The abuse came to light when a concerned family member visited the Newton County District Attorney's Office on October 4, 2020, expressing worry about the well-being of the children at Rodgers' residence.

Law enforcement was promptly contacted, and upon arriving at the defendant's residence, they discovered the three stepchildren with bruises, swelling, and physical marks resulting from Rodgers' assaults.

Notably, the youngest child suffered the most severe injuries, including a broken elbow, widespread bruises, scrapes, swelling, and life-threatening internal injuries.

Moreover, it was revealed that the children were malnourished as Rodgers intentionally underfed them, using food deprivation as a form of punishment.

She imposed time constraints on their meals and blended their solid foods into a single drink to hasten their consumption.

In stark contrast, her three biological children, also residing in the same home, did not face similar meal restrictions or endure the same punishments.

What did prosecutors say about Nora Rodgers?

Officials stated that Rodgers exposed the children to physical, mental, and emotional mistreatment. Prosecutors noted that, over the years, the children endured torment under the pretext of punishment.

A prosecutor claimed, “They were forced to do extreme bootcamp style exercises. They would have to run laps, squats with large logs from the yard, jumping jacks, etc for extended time periods and to the point of exhaustion and injury. They would often have to perform these exercises in the middle of the night and in the heat of summer.”

The prosecutor also shared, “When the exercises were not performed to Rodgers' liking, she would then beat them."

"Rodgers would also spar with children, striking and hitting them. DFCS had previously been involved with the family and had instructed Rodgers she was not to use exercise or corporal punishment at all.”

Shortly after, on October 9 of this year, Rodgers entered a guilty plea to nine counts of cruelty to children in the first degree. Her sentencing took place on December 12.

District Attorney Randy McGinley stated that the diligent efforts of the prosecution team resulted in an outcome ensuring that the victims will have reached adulthood before Rodgers is released from prison.

He added, “The DA’s Office sought justice for the victims but also that Rodgers would be in prison long enough that she could not harm these children or any other children. The prosecutors' hard work led to a guilty plea with an appropriate sentence without the children having to testify at length and relive the abuse they faced.”

He concluded, “A special thanks goes to the foster parents who cared for the children after their abuse and family of the children who reported the abuse. While Rodgers put herself above the well-being of the kids, so many others fought for them."

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