'Not Funny': Internet divided over Bill Maher's jibe at Bradley Cooper's prosthetic nose in 'Maestro'

'Not Funny': Internet divided over Bill Maher's jibe at Bradley Cooper's prosthetic nose in 'Maestro'
Bill Maher's jest aimed at Bradley Cooper's prosthetic nose in 'Maestro' triggered a mixed bag of reactions across social media (@RealTimers/X)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Comedy and satire have long been powerful tools for cultural critique, and they occasionally land comedians in hot water.

Bill Maher, the outspoken host of HBO's 'Real Time,' recently stirred a mix of laughter and outrage with his mocking comments about Bradley Cooper's prosthetic nose in 'Maestro.'

Maher's satirical jab has sparked discussions about the boundaries of humor, the nuances of acting, and the intersection of entertainment and critique.

Bradley Cooper's prosthetic nose in 'Maestro' draws comedic fire

In a recent episode of his show, Maher playfully ridiculed Cooper's use of a prosthetic nose in the movie 'Maestro.'

The film, directed by Cooper himself, explores the life of composer Leonard Bernstein.

Maher, known for his sharp commentary, quipped about the prosthetic nose, jokingly suggesting that Cooper's next role could be portraying Rudolph - the red-nosed reideer.

"Bradley Cooper surmounted all the criticism he got for wearing a fake nose in 'Maestro' by being nominated for the Golden Globe. He has to choose as his next role - Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer"

He further shared a picture of Cooper as a deer in a Christmas movie and said, "This Christmas it's Bradley Cooper in 'Noselight'. They laugh in his face but now they are looking up his ass."


The comedian's jest, though intended as a lighthearted jab, has led to divided opinions among audiences and critics.

While some see Maher's remarks as harmless comedic banter, part of his trademark irreverent style, others are arguing that the comments may undermine the art of acting and the creative choices made by performers to bring characters to life.

Social media split: diverse reactions emerge over Maher's Bradley Cooper jab

Bill Maher's jest aimed at Bradley Cooper's prosthetic nose in 'Maestro' triggered a mixed bag of reactions across social media.

One user wrote, "Not funny."


Another added, "It's so funny that he got shit from the leftists for wearing a fake nose, but they give him a pass on dating a vile antisemite."


One said, "I'm still triggered over the fact they used CGI to turn him into a racoon when there are thousands of racoon-american actors looking for jobs in Hollywood."


Another wrote, "Funny."


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