Operation Rescue Thor: Florida couple arrested for animal cruelty, over 100 mistreated animals saved

Operation Rescue Thor: Florida couple arrested for animal cruelty, over 100 mistreated animals saved after 4-month investigation
Faustino Alfredo Valladares (L) and Patricia Maria Villadamigo (R) were apprehended for animal cruelty in 'Operation Rescue Thor' (Citrus County Sheriff's Office)

INVERNESS, FLORIDA: A four-month investigation into animal cruelty allegations has led to the arrest of a Florida couple and the rescue of over 100 neglected dogs, puppies, and fowl from their property.

Faustino Alfredo Valladares, 66, and Patricia Maria Villadamigo, 46, were taken into custody last week on felony charges of animal cruelty in "Operation Rescue Thor," after Citrus County Sheriff's deputies served a search warrant on the couple's home and found a distressing scene of mistreatment and neglect impacting over 100 animals in their care, as per Fox News.


Faustino Valladares and Patricia Villadamigo were under investigation since July

The investigation into Valladares and Villadamigo began in July when animal control officers responded to complaints about potential animal cruelty on the couple's property. What they found was 16 dogs, 40 chickens and turkeys that showed clear signs of neglect.

Despite the evidence of mistreatment, the couple was largely uncooperative with authorities during the four months that officers monitored the animals' condition.

The dogs lacked current vaccinations, and Valladares and Villadamigo did not hold the mandated kennel license for having over 10 dogs.

The most alarming case was Thor, a 7-year-old German Shepherd who officers found suffering from severe ear infections and debilitating hip issues that caused him visible pain. Though cited and ordered to get Thor medical care within 24 hours, officials say Valladares and Villadamigo still refused to provide proper treatment.

(Citrus County Sheriff's Office)
Faustino Valladares and Patricia Villadamigo were being investigated since July for potential animal cruelty. (Citrus County Sheriff's Office)

'Operation Rescue Thor' discovered more animals than what was previously known

With Thor's situation dire, detectives assisted animal control in securing arrest warrants for both suspects on felony animal cruelty charges. A search warrant was also approved to rescue Thor for urgent veterinary treatment.

But when law enforcement swept the property last week, the scene they uncovered was far more shocking than originally known.

Inside, they found 18 dogs, 11 puppies languishing without care, and 73 chickens, turkeys and other fowl - one already deceased.

(Citrus County Sheriff's Office)
'Operation Rescue Thor' discovered more animals than what was previously known. (Citrus County Sheriff's Office)

All animals were surrendered immediately by the arrested couple into county custody for rehabilitation and ongoing forensics into their neglect.

All rescued dogs, puppies, and fowl will undergo forensic examinations to fully document their conditions before personalized treatment plans for their recovery.

"Our ACOs work tirelessly to help defend innocent animals, such as Thor, whom irresponsible owners mistreat. It is sickening to see how Villadamigo and Valladares had such disregard for taking care of their animals," said Sheriff Mike Prendergast.

"I am proud of the quick investigative work of both our ACOs and Community Crimes Detectives, as well as our partnership with Citrus County Animal Services for their assistance in saving these helpless animals."

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