Internet flags 'risk of violence' as Republicans allege Biden admin 'doubling down' on Gaza refugee plans

'Who is really running this country?' Outrage as Republicans allege Biden admin is 'doubling down' on Gaza refugee plans
The Biden administration's efforts to welcome Gaza refugees have been met with criticism from several corners (Getty Images)

WASHINTON, DC: The Biden administration is facing criticism from Republican lawmakers and public backlash over an alleged plan to consider accepting refugees from Gaza.

The controversy intensified after Sen Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, accused the administration of ignoring her concerns about potential security risks associated with resettling individuals from the conflict-ridden region.

"The Biden administration is blowing off my work to prevent an Oct 7-related attack on our own shores, which shows just how seriously this president takes our security," said Sen Ernst in an interview with Fox News Digital, referring to fears of attacks similar to those perpetrated by Hamas on October 7.

(Sen Joni Ernst, Getty Images)
Sen Joni Ernst led dozens of Republicans in a letter demanding President Joe Biden cease plans for acceptance of Gaza refugees (Getty Images)

Biden administration defends humanitarian efforts

Earlier this month, Ernst spearheaded a letter addressed to President Joe Biden, which was co-signed by 35 Republican senators. The letter sought clarification following a CBS News report that indicated senior officials were discussing options to resettle Palestinians from Gaza who are immediate family members of US citizens or permanent residents.

In response, the State Department reiterated its commitment to aiding US citizens, lawful permanent residents, and their families to leave Gaza amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. According to the administration, over 1,800 individuals have already been assisted in departing Gaza, many of whom have arrived in the US.

Joni Ernst criticizes President Joe Biden's alleged refugee plan

However, Ernst remains unconvinced by the administration's assurances. "Instead, Biden is doubling down on his dangerous plan to welcome Hamas sympathizers to our homeland, despite the risk to American lives," she remarked. She also criticized the administration's response for failing to provide detailed information on the vetting process and logistics involved in the potential resettlement of Gaza refugees.

"Make no mistake, I have seen failures in the vetting process before, and I certainly don’t want to see them repeated. When Gaza’s own neighbors cannot properly vet friend or foe, there is no way our State Department can make those assessments, and they fail to provide concrete information otherwise," Ernst stated, reported Fox.

The State Department, defending its position, emphasized ongoing interagency discussions focused on supporting Palestinians in Gaza and highlighted the US's role in global humanitarian assistance. Yet, the response to Ernst's letter did not directly address her specific questions about the resettlement logistics and coordination with neighboring countries.

Security concerns over potential refugee resettlement

The issue has sparked significant online debate, with critics voicing concerns about national security and the potential for bringing in individuals with sympathies toward Hamas.

A user tweeted, "More refugees, more problems." "We can't afford the 30 million undocumented we already have. No more, if their neighboring countries won't take them as refugees, we shouldn't. Huge risk of violence, born trained to hate Jews and call Christians infidels, burn our flag, American isn't the place for these people," another added.



A third simply wrote, "FJB." "He just doesn’t get it! Who is really running this country?" questioned a user. "They are nothing but seeds to destroy this nation," read a tweet. "This is great news! More people to enter America’s melting pot!" said another.





This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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